1. Part of the benefit of the menu comes from its reliability and consistency.

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2. In particular, reporting information like this with a modal dialog box brings the interaction to a stop with no particular benefit.

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3. Without a doubt, many programs would benefit if they made use of list controls that supported dragging and dropping.

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4. Excessive choices quickly stop being a benefit and become an ordeal.

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5. This is only natural—interface design is still in its infancy, and it is wrongheaded to think that there is benefit in standards that stifle true innovation.
这也很自然——界面设计仍不成熟。 如果认为标准中的好处是扼杀了真正的创新,那也是错误的。

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6. Without models, we are left to make sense of unstructured, raw data, without the benefit of any organizing principle.

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7. A significant benefit of Undo is purely psychological: It reassures users.

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8. These kinds of interfaces benefit from a thumbnail map to ease navigation. We’ll discuss this technique as well as other visual signposts later in this chapter.

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9. At the same time, interface standards also benefit software vendors.

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10. Users can benefit in several ways from a product with a good memory.

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