- 1. Do you really need them, or do they go beyond enough?
- 你真的需要他们,或者他们是否真的超过了“足够”所需?
- 2. The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience.
- 这位教授的讲课超过了听众的接受能力。
- 3. You cannot judge any man beyond your knowledge of him, and how small is your knowledge.
- 你判断一个人不可能超过你对他的了解,而你的了解又是多么肤浅。
- 4. But later I knew that your bearing is far beyond my imagination.
- 然而后来我才明白,你的气度是远超过我的想像的。
- 5. The goal is to push your body to its limits, but not beyond.
- 我们的目标是促使你的身体达到极限,但不要超过这个极限。
- 6. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
- 也许会有停滞不前的时候,但是你不要满足现状,你必须要超过这一阶段!
- 7. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.
- 但是如果我们想继续生存下去超过一百年,我们将来就应该去太空。
- 8. So beyond, well class nine you do look at in the analysis, but beyond class nine are severe accidents. I should correct myself.
- 所以超过了,你们在分析中看到的,第九种,但是超过第九种了的就是,很严重的事故,我要更正一下。
- 9. I had no idea how to get beyond casual friendships to anything romantic, no idea at all.
- 我不知道如何越过随便的友谊进入到任何浪漫的关系,根本没有任何主意。
- 10. Although he had only rehearsed the part a few times, he carried it off beyond all expectations.
- 他对这角色虽然只排练了几次,但是他完全出人意料地演得非常成功。
- 11. His power extends beyond the seas.
- 他的势力扩展到海外。
- 12. Beyond trying to write a book, he also compiled a dictionary.
- 除了写一本书之外,他还编了一部词典。
- 13. The ground levels off beyond the woods.
- 过了树林,地面就平坦了。
- 14. The place has changed beyond recognition.
- 这地方变得认不出来了。
- 15. In the times of the emperors, the formality within the Forbidden City was rigid beyond belief.
- 在帝王时代,紫禁城内的礼仪异常严格,令人难以置信。
- 16. He is a spy beyond all doubt.
- 毫无疑义,他是个间谍。
- 17. Only tickets for Shenyang and beyond are available.
- 只售沈阳以远的车票。
- 18. Now, how do you go beyond?
- 那么现在,你如何超越?
- 19. I’d like to see more people feel that not only do they have something to say but beyond that, they have something to share.
- 我希望看到更多的人认识到他们不仅是想说些什么,而是更上一层的,他们想要分享些什么。
- 20. But this goes beyond our research.
- 但这超出了我们的研究范围。
- 21. Where would you like to see this larger body go during your lifetime and beyond?
- 在你的一生中你想看到这个大整体走向何处,超越何处?
- 22. On the job, and beyond...
- 关于工作还有其他...
- 23. All of those are beyond the scope of this article.
- 以上这些都不在本文的论述范围之内。
- 24. And failures beyond those are not required.
- 超越那些的失效则是不要求的。
- 25. I had no interest in anyone beyond that circle.
- 我对那个圈外的任何人不感兴趣。
- 26. They go well beyond basic complains.
- 他们超越了基本的抱怨。
- 27. They go well beyond basic complains.
- 他们超越了基本的抱怨。
- 28. In any case, the programming of a natural language recognition engine is beyond the capabilities and budget of your average programming team.
- 在任何情况下,自然语言识别引擎的程序超出了普通编程团队所具有的能力和预算。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. Transactional Web sites Some Web sites go beyond simple clicking and searching to offer transactional functionality that allows users to accomplish something beyond acquiring information. Classic examples of transactional Web sites are online stores and financial services sites.
- 有些网站不仅仅是通过简单的单击或者搜索来获得信息的,而且还提供交易功能让用户可以完成更多的事情,在线购物和金融服务网站就是最典型的交易网站的例子。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Above and beyond performing basic functions, considerate software has the goals and needs of its users as a concern.
- 体贴的软件最关心的是用户的目标和需求,其次才是其基本功能。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to craft a test that assesses anything beyond first-time ease of learning.
- 不过,要想进行超出首次使用时的易学性的全方位评估,还很困难。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. What action should the program take when the selected object is dragged beyond the border of the enclosing application?
- 当选中的对象拖出封闭应用程序的边界时,程序应该如何解释?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Wouldn’t it be better to go beyond these confining, industrial-age technologies and deliver some of the real power of the computer?
- 难道就不能更好地超越工业时代技术的限制,发挥计算机的真正作用吗?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. All skiers, for example, spend time as beginners, but those who find they don’t rapidly progress beyond more-falling-than-skiing quickly abandon the sport.
- 例如,所有滑雪的人都会在新手层次停留一段时间。 但那些不能很快取得进步,也就是摔跤过多的人会很快放弃这种运动。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. They are already beyond the need for more traditional navigation aids because they are so familiar with the product.
- 传统的导航助手已经不能满足其需求,因为他们对产品非常熟悉。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. To a normal person, however, these reports can be like eerie lights beyond the horizon, like screams in the night, like unattended objects flying about the room.
- 对一个普通人来说,这些报告就像是地平线上奇怪的光线,夜里的尖叫,不留心就开始在房间里飘荡的东西。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Even an important function such as silencing the ringer is often beyond the expertise of average phone users.
- 即使是有些重要的功能,比如静音,也经常超出了普通使用者的能力。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓