1. Our opinion of our own looks is also capricious: We can feel like the belle of the ball at one party, but downright shabby at the next, all on the same night.
2. When management attempts to exert controls, the effort is sometimes viewed by the team as naïve or even capricious, and with no mechanism in place to evaluate the impact; good, bad, or indifferent.
3. According to best friend Lisa Duboise, Fullerton has in some ways become even more capricious and sadistic.
4. So magic in a pagan system, Kaufman claims, is a way of getting around the gods, circumventing the capricious will of the gods and demons.
5. Hundreds of millions of people depend on regular monsoon rains to nourish their crop, but the monsoons are historically capricious.
6. Key uncertainties include the relationship between China and the US, the threat of internal unrest and the ever-present danger of unexpected, capricious political decisions.
7. Which — in a capricious change of the rules — will it condemn or outlaw?
8. This week, life seems so vulnerable, fate so capricious, and everything else so trivial.
9. My situation seemed fragile and capricious.If she rolled over, she could snap me like a bundle of twigs.
10. China does not forbid independent filmmaking, but it does control distribution, so filmmakers who want their work to be widely seen end up submitting themselves to a capricious censorship process.