- 1. Although more concerted action is required, its results bear out the need for the various sectors and stakeholders to work together.
- 尽管需要更多的协调的行动,它的结果证明了需要各部门和利益攸关方联合起来。
- 2. In effect, a stage is to a program what an evolution is to a project -- it is used to manage a concerted effort toward some common end.
- 在工作中,一个阶段就是对一个项目演进的计划——是用来管理一个协调的工作,使其向一些共同的结果发展。
- 3. What is needed is concerted international pressure on Mr Karzai to accede to a constitutional rearrangement that decentralises power away from Kabul.
- 现在需要的是协调国际压力迫使卡尔扎伊接受宪法重置,此举将分散集中在喀布尔的权利。
- 4. The Maoists’ appeal for the arrest of Mao Yushi, a well-known economist (and no relation of the late chairman), is their most concerted public attempt in many years to put pressure on the government.
- 毛分子要求逮捕著名的经济学家茅于轼(此茅非彼毛,跟已故主席毫无关系),这是多年来向政府施加压力最协调的一次公开行动。
- 5. Only concerted government action had saved the world from financial meltdown, he said, and the first glimmers of recovery should not be a signal to let up on regulatory reforms.
- 萨科齐表示,只有政府间协调行动方可挽救全球经济于危难,而且有复苏的曙光闪现,不应被视为放松监管改革的藉口.
- 6. As we look to the future, we recognize the imperative for decisive and concerted action.
- 展望未来,我们认识到决定性和协调一致的行动势在必行。
- 7. "In the end, the question is not whether things are worse, but whether they are bad enough to mobilize concern and concerted action, " he said.
- “问题并不在于情况是否糟糕,而是情况是否糟糕到引发社会关注并付诸协调一致的行动。”他指出结论。
- 8. Because it’s like a moon shot or any big development—it takes a more concerted, integrated effort.
- 因为这就像登月发射或其他重大研发项目,需要更多协调一致的攻关。
- 9. In Afghanistan, concerted and tactical efforts at the community level in the Southern Region are targeted at reaching more children with polio vaccine in areas that are difficult to access.
- 在阿富汗,南部地区在社区一级展开协调一致和有策略的努力,目标是为难以抵达地区的更多儿童接种脊灰疫苗。
- 10. In Mr. Bush’s case, he remained skeptical about the science of global warming until near the end of his presidency and dubious about the need for concerted global action.
- 布什总统直到任期接近结束时仍对全球变暖的科学事实半信半疑,并对全球采取协调一致行动的必要性持怀疑态度。
- 11. Partnerships such as Stop TB were launched because the international community chose not to wait, but to act in a concerted, collaborative, and urgent way.
- 但国际社会并没有消极等待,而是紧急采取了协调一致的合作行动,例如建立了遏制结核病伙伴关系。
- 12. This decrease is principally the result of a reduction in visual impairment from infectious diseases through concerted public health action.
- 之所以减少,主要是因为采取协调一致的公共卫生行动后,由传染病引起的视力损害减少了。
- 13. Those institutions "appear incapable of rising to the challenges without concerted efforts from their leaders" it says.
- 该报告指出,那些机构的“领导人似乎没有做出一致的努力,无法起来迎接挑战”。
- 14. And in Tanzania, an anti-corruption campaign was directly related to concerted efforts to improve the country’s economy, living standards and business environment.
- 在坦桑尼亚,一场反腐败运动直接与改善该国经济状况、生活水平和商业环境的共同努力联系在一起。
- 15. Evidence from many countries shows that dramatic successes in preventing road traffic crashes can be achieved through concerted efforts that involve, but are not limited to, the health sector.
- 从许多国家得到的证据表明,经过共同努力,包括但又不仅限于卫生部门的参与,在预防道路交通碰撞方面就可能取得很大成功。
- 16. This framework reminds us that we can no longer accept the “slactivism” that social technology might enable but instead use our connected lifestyles for a more concerted social good effort.
- 这个结构只是提醒我们,我们不再只是接受“逃避主义”,社会技术能使得我们的相关的生活方式去促成一个更好的共同合作的社会成就。
- 17. Herding cats is easy compared to gettingdevelopers to make a concerted effort in the same direction, it issomething I both love and hate about our people (programmers) :).
- 养猫很容易的和使开发者向一个目标作出努力相比。那是关于我们的人们(程序员)我既喜欢又厌恶的地方。
- 18. An Afghanistan of peace, stability and development will not be possible without the concerted efforts of Afghanistan and the international community.
- 要实现一个和平、稳定、发展的阿富汗,还需要阿富汗自身和国际社会共同做出努力。
- 19. An Afghanistan of peace, stability and development will not be possible without the concerted efforts of Afghanistan and the international community.
- 要实现一个和平、稳定、发展的阿富汗,还需要阿富汗自身和国际社会共同做出努力。
- 20. All governments should make a concerted effort to stop the drug trade.
- 各国政府应协调一致努力阻止毒品交易。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 21. This influence is likely to continue indefinitely unless we make a concerted effort to stop it.
- 这种影响可能还会继续,除非我们一致协作来改变这种局面。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 22. They all made a concerted effort to improve the situation.
- 他们通力合作改善局势。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 23. The increase of software-enabled devices that make use of rich visual displays demands a concerted effort on the part of interaction designers, visual designers, and industrial designers in order to produce complete and effective solutions.
- 现在基于软件并具有丰富显示的设备越来越多,这就要求交互设计师、视觉设计师和工业设计师一起紧密合作,从而才能创造出完善且有效的解决方案。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 24. a concerted offensive
- 步调一致的攻势
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. There is a serious need for concerted studies in this area.
- 在这个领域里迫切需要协作研究。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. Concerted action alone leads to victory.
- 步调一致才能得胜利。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Many problems in environmental engineering have required the concerted efforts of scientists and engineers.
- 不少环境工程问题的解决都需要科学家和工程师们共同努力。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. The aziridinium ions must all be opened by a concerted process.
- 亚胺基杂环丙烷季铵盐的阳离子,一定是按协同反应的方式开环的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. take concerted action
- 采取一致行动
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句