- 1. Congress is behind the plan.
- (美)国会支持此项计划。
- 2. Congress has enacted a new tax law.
- 国会已颁布了一项新的税法。
- 3. The president muscled the bill through Congress.
- 总统强使这个法案在国会获得通过。
- 4. After 18 years in Congress, he intented to return to private life.
- 在国会供职18年后,他打算告老还乡。
- 5. Neither have some in Congress.
- 在国会中也有不少。
- 6. And it should mean something to every member of Congress and every citizen.
- 它应该对国会每一个成员和每一个市民都有意义。
- 7. If Congress and the administration mess this up each and every one of us will pay for the mistakes, as will generations to come.
- 如果国会和政府把这件事搞糟,我们每一个人都要为此付出代价,我们的后代也是如此。
- 8. Finally, each year we will voluntarily report to Congress when we have invoked the privilege and why, because there must be proper oversight of our actions.
- 最后,每年我们会主动向国会报告我们何时行使了这项特权并说明原因,因为对我们的行为必须要有适当的监督。
- 9. We have broad agreement in Congress on about 80 percent of what we’re trying to do.
- 在国会,我们试图完成的计划中有80%的内容已经得到了广泛的认同。
- 10. I have great health insurance, and so does every member of Congress.
- 我有良好的医疗保险,国会的每一个成员皆如此。
- 11. Here it is: Being President with this Congress is like standing in the middle of a cemetery.
- 我想到一个笑话:作为总统,站在这样的国会面前,就像站在一块墓地的中央。
- 12. If they do not move quickly and aggressively to protect consumers, Congress should step in.
- 如果他们不迅速采取行动并积极保护消费者,国会就应该介入。
- 13. That authority expired in 1967; the Administration should demand that Congress renew it.
- 在1967 年这一法规失效,政府当局应该要求国会延长它。
- 14. What happens when the Democrats control one house of Congress and the Republicans control the other?
- 当民主党控制国会的一个院而共和党控制另一个院时,会发生什么呢?
- 15. And that is why it is so important that Congress replace No Child Left Behind this year, so that schools have that flexibility.
- 这是今年国会重新修订《不让一个孩子掉队》法案显得如此重要的原因,这样学校才有更多的灵活性。
- 16. Those threatened by the new competition could bring omnibus bills before the Congress but could not secure their passage.
- 那些被新的竞争威胁的人们可以先于国会带来混合议案,但是不能保证通过。
- 17. Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
- 亲爱的读者,假设你是一个白痴。再假设你是一名国会成员。不过我的话说重复了。
- 18. And so, whenever we cannot release certain information to the public for valid national security reasons, I will insist that there is oversight of my actions – by Congress or by the courts.
- 因此,无论什么时候,只要我们基于正当的国家安全原因无法向公众公布某些信息,我会坚持让国会或法院来对我的行动进行监督。
- 19. On climate change, the rush to Copenhagen, with no bill in sight in Congress, has an air of desperation.
- 在气候改变问题上,国会没有看到提案,冲向哥本哈根的只是一架铤而走险的航班。
- 20. I never should have misled the country, the Congress, my friends and my family.
- 我从来都不应该欺骗国家、国会、我的朋友和我的家人。
- 21. Their rules have the force of law, but may be challenged in the courts or overturned by Congress.
- 这些机构制定的规章具有法律效力,但可以在法庭上受到挑战或被国会推翻。
- 22. Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together.
- 国会就是这样设计的,如果少数派们联合起来,他们能够行使大于他们人数比例的权力。
- 23. And I have to say, Democrats in Congress and some Senate Republicans have been listening and have shown themselves willing to make compromises to solve this crisis.
- 我要说的是,国会的民主党人和一些参议院共和党人一直在倾听,在未解决这次债务危机做出各种妥协和让步。
- 24. Now that they were in place, I was ready to go all out to pass NAFTA in the Congress.
- 既然这些措施已经到位,我准备竭尽全力要使《北美自由贸易协定》在国会获得通过。
- 25. Now that they were in place, I was ready to go all out to pass NAFTA in the Congress.
- 既然这些措施已经到位,我准备竭尽全力要使《北美自由贸易协定》在国会获得通过。
- 26. He asked Congress for stand-by authority to call up the reserves.
- 他要求国会授予他征召后备役的备用权力。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Congress is empowered by the Constitution to make laws.
- 国会由宪法授予制定法律的权限。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. Congress represents special interests.
- 国会代表着特殊的利益集团。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Congress affirmed the treaty the President made.
- 议会通过了总统制订的条约。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. I had to talk in terms of the representatives sitting in Congress.
- 我得从坐在国会中的代表们的角度来谈问题。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Congress has assumed some negative functions.
- 国会发挥了一些消极作用。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. bulldoze an amendment through Congress
- 硬使修正案在国会通过
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. The Asian Pacific Life Insurance Congress attracted thousands of overseas delegates.
- 此外,The Asian Pacific Life Insurance congress也吸引了数以千计的海外代表参加。
-- 来源 -- life - 汉英
- 34. Congress will convene again in the fall.
- 国会将于秋季再度举行会议。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. Although it works for the books, hammers, and spoons in your house, it doesn’t work for all the volumes stored in the Library of Congress, for example.
- 尽管它能很好地为你家中存放书本、铁锤和汤匙服务,但是它根本不适用于国家图书馆存放的所有资料。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓