- 1. He is a devout Catholic with mild, donnish quirks. He writes haiku poems and reads Shakespeare for pleasure.
- 虽然是一名虔诚的天主教徒,他却有着儒雅的学究气息,平日不但写写俳句而且乐于阅读莎士比亚的书籍。
- 2. Juvenile Antarctic octopuses, speckled brown, mauve and orange, look like exquisitely carved netsuke ornaments, perfectly proportioned and endearing for their donnish domed "heads".
- 南极小章鱼布满褐色、淡紫色和桔色斑点,看上去好像精雕细刻的饰品坠子,与它们那学究式的半圆形“头”完美相称,惹人喜爱。
- 3. She knew he was being playful in his donnish way and she was surprised that he could take the whole affair so lightly .
- 她知道,他是以专家学者的派头故意装出幽默的样子;她感到惊奇的是,他竟然把这一事态看得如此轻松。
- 4. May, a donnish, genteel man nicknamed Captain Slow by his colleagues for his championing of comfort over speed in cars, thinks Top Gear gives viewers vicarious pleasure.
- 学究派头十足的绅士詹姆斯·梅,同事们都喊他“龟速船长”,因为他追求的是愉悦驾车感,而非速度快感。 他认为TopGear给了观众们感同身受的快乐。
- 5. I dare say boldly, in me before, still do not have a person dare donnish, you are a bit quieter to me!
- 我敢大胆的说一句,在我的面前,还没有人敢装模做样,你给我安静一点!
- 6. I dare say boldly, in me before, still do not have a person dare donnish, you are a bit quieter to me!
- 我敢大胆的说一句,在我的面前,还没有人敢装模做样,你给我安静一点!
- 7. donnish carefulness of speech
- 在用词方面卖弄学识
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 8. donnish refinement of speech;
- 学究式的雅语;
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例
- 9. a donnish remark, manner, sense of humour
- 学究式的言语、 仪态、 幽默感.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 10. She knew he was being playful in his donnish way and she was surprised that he could take the whole affair so lightly.
- 她知道,他是以专家学者的派头故意装出幽默的样子; 她感到惊奇的是,他竟然把这一事态看得如此轻松。
-- 来源 -- 教父部分 - jiaofu_15
- 11. Despite this over-evident contrast between them, Dixon realized that their progress, deliberate and to all apperances thoughtful, must seem rather donnish to passing students.
- 两人相比,差别鲜明,但狄克逊还是觉得,他们走起路来,那从容不迫的步子和深思熟虑的面孔,一定会使过路的学生认为他们都是学者。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句