- 1. Planning, as they employ the term, means: plans made by others will prescribe to me what I am to do and how to do it.
- 按照他们使用这个词的方式,“计划”的意思是指:由他人所制定的计划将规定我应该做什么以及如何做。
- 2. Learning to recognize and employ this distinction early on will aid you in the future, as we move into increasingly complex diagramming techniques.
- 随着我们深入到更加复杂的图表绘制技术,及早学习如何识别和使用这种差别将对您今后有所帮助。
- 3. But if we harness our efforts and employ innovative approaches as these nations are doing, there is no reason that we cannot turn back the tide of this epidemic.
- 但是如果我们象这些国家正在进行的那样利用我们的努力和采用创新的策略,我们没有理由不能遏制该病流行的趋势。
- 4. In the next installment, you will learn how to employ variables and functions efficiently.
- 在下一篇文章中,您将学会如何高效率地使用变量和函数。
- 5. Because that they think the means we should employ are unilateral and militaty.
- 他们认为,我们采用的方法应该是,单方面和武力的。
- 6. The service payloads could be encoded in SOAP messages; however these ideas are applicable even when the messages employ other encodings.
- 服务有效负荷可以被编码进SOAP消息;即使在消息使用其它编码时,这些想法也是可应用的。
- 7. In a practical sense, your business may employ one of many supply chains across your many different lines of business; outsourcing may be appropriate in one area, but not in another.
- 从实践的角度看,您的业务可能使用许多供应链中的一种,外包也许在某个领域中是合适的,但可能在其他领域中并不尽然。
- 8. The Navy will employ common system standards, processes, and development methodology, along with shared resources and infrastructure, to improve function and reduce costs, says a representative.
- 海军将采用共同系统标准、流程和发展方法论以及共享资源和基础设施,以改进功能并减低成本,一名代表说。
- 9. Many different objects employ these semantics, yet they have nothing to do with the object itself from a purely object-oriented view.
- 许多不同的对象都采用这些语法,尽管从纯面向对象的观点来看这些语法跟对象毫不相关。
- 10. To get the best end-to-end throughput, you have to employ various tools to measure performance, identify bottlenecks, and eliminate them or minimize their impact.
- 要获得最佳的端到端吞吐量,您必须使用各种工具以度量性能、识别瓶颈,并消除它们,或者使得它们的影响最小化。
- 11. They would also employ more efficient transport systems to improve city performance.
- 它们还将采用更有效的运输系统以改善城市绩效。
- 12. See if you can employ your time in a better manner.
- 看看你是否能够以更好的方式使用时间。
- 13. Part 1 provided an overview of the different customization capabilities of the appliance, and explained when and why you would employ these capabilities.
- 第 1部分对该设备的各种定制功能进行了概述,并解释了何时以及为何应当使用这些功能。
- 14. This strategy is usable for systems that employ server farming, as well.
- 这种策略对于那些采用服务器场的系统也非常有用。
- 15. For more complex course development, we employ more iterations because there is often a lack of clarity, and therefore more risk around course requirements, architecture, and content.
- 对更复杂的课程开发,我们使用了更多的迭代,因为它们通常不够清晰,也因此在课程需求、结构和内容上产生了更多的风险。
- 16. No matter how many superficial and ornamental techniques these films employ to suggest a specific locality and moment in time, they seem to exist outside space and time.
- 不管这些电影采用了多少表面和装饰性的技巧来暗示一个特定的地点和时代,它们看起来似乎是脱离了时间和空间而存在的。
- 17. However, I have told the farmer that he has no right to employ women at steam-threshing.
- 我已经告诉那个农场主了,要他知道他没有权利雇用女工用机器打麦子。
- 18. The method allows you to apply factors to an estimate as they emerge on the course of implementation, which makes it suitable for projects that employ Agile and iterative methodologies.
- 这个方法允许您在这些参数在项目执行期间可用时使用它们进行评估,这就使得这个方法适合使用敏捷或者迭代方法的项目。
- 19. Note that you can employ the structure in Table 3.1 independently of your product backlog tool, for instance, by appropriately arranging paper cards on a pin board, whiteboard, or the office wall.
- 在使用你的产品待办事项列表工具的时候,你也可以单独使用表3.1的结构,比如在一块插针板、白板或者公司的墙上适当地排列纸质卡片。
- 20. Financial or video processing companies are the main users of this feature, and they employ “fascinating bidding techniques” to lower the computational price.
- 金融或视频处理公司是这个功能的主要用户,他们使用“令人叫绝的出价技巧”来降低计算的价格。
- 21. After you implement an application, you need to understand the scalability options to know which ones to employ and when.
- 实现了应用程序后,需要了解可伸缩性选项,以确定采用哪个选项以及何时应用。
- 22. The type of messaging model you employ depends upon the needs of your enterprise.
- 您所使用的消息传递模型的类型取决于您企业的需要。
- 23. Employ multiple models and methods.
- 采用多重模型和方法。
- 24. Many different consumer and social media environments employ the technique.
- 许多用户和社会媒体环境都使用这种技术。
- 25. Many different consumer and social media environments employ the technique.
- 许多用户和社会媒体环境都使用这种技术。
- 26. This is a useful variable to employ when you have directional information to convey (up or down, backward or forward).
- 当我们有和方向有关的信息需要传达时(上或下,前进或后退),方位是个很有用的变量。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. Interfaces that don’t employ symmetry tend to look unbalanced, as if they are going to topple over to one side.
- 如果不对称,界面会显得失衡,好像摇摇欲坠倒向一边。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. As a result, legislator employ various procedual devices to handle knotty problems.
- 结果,议员们便采取种种程序性的手法来对付棘手的问题。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Personas and other models make sense out of otherwise overwhelming and confusing user data. Now that you are empowered with sophisticated models as design tools, the next chapter will show you how to employ these tools to translate user goals and needs into workable design solutions.
- 人物角色和其他模型让那些大量而困惑的用户数据变得有意义,现在你获得了作为设计工具的完善模型,下一章我们会讲述如何使用这些工具来将用户目标和需要变换为可工作的设计方案。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Personas reduce the need for elaborate diagrammatic models; it’s easier to understand the many nuances of user behavior through the narrative structures that personas employ.
- 人物角色减少了对详细图形模型的需求,通过人物角色使用的叙述结构,能够更容易理解用户行为的很多细微差别。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. In interfaces that don’t employ direct manipulation, such as some modal dialog boxes, the concept of selection isn’t always needed.
- 在那些没有直接操作的界面中,比如模型化的对话框,选择的概念就没有必要存在。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. As useful as this may sound, please pay close attention to your users before choosing to employ this idiom.
- 它们尽管有用,在择取运用时还是要密切关注使用者的具体情况。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. While all scenarios are stories about people and their activities, context scenarios are the most storylike of the three types we employ. The focus is on the persona’s activities, as well as her motivations and mental model.
- 场景剧本是人及其活动的故事,实际上,情境场景剧本是我们使用的3种类型的场景剧本中最像故事的那种,它关注人物角色的活动,及其心理模型和动机。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. In the word "employ" the emphasis is on the second syllable.
- "employ"这个字中,重音在第二个音节上。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. To better understand user motivations, you can employ attitude-oriented questions:
- 为了更好地理解用户的动机,你可以使用一些面向态度的问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓