- 1. Designs evolve. We know this to be true from experience.
- 设计在发展,我通过经验了解到这一点。
- 2. So the mystery is starting to clear around how diverse species with an array of features evolve.
- 所以围绕着拥有一系列特性的不同物种是怎么进化的谜团开始变得清晰。
- 3. But this paper is an interesting step forward in exploring what forced us to evolve.
- 在到底是什么迫使我们进化的探索中此篇论文迈出了有趣的一步。
- 4. How did they evolve while you were there?
- 你在那里时,这些观点如何发展?
- 5. If they will be able to resist general panic, their business will evolve as was planned.
- 如果他们能够战胜这些通常的恐慌,他们的事业将能按计划发展。
- 6. Nevertheless, using the traditional terminology, what is meant by change management, how did it evolve, and why has this concept become so important?
- 尽管如此,使用传统的术语,变革管理的意义是什么,它是怎么发展的,为什么这个概念变得如此重要?
- 7. Life could not possible evolve from nothing into something with multiple stages of development along the way, that is simply an outrageous and indefensible lie.
- 生命不可能简单地从一无所有进化成发展的多重舞台,那就是简单的不能容忍的不能防卫的生活。
- 8. How did they evolve?
- 它们是如何进化的?
- 9. Write essential use cases as part of your required engineering efforts and then evolve them into system use cases during your analysis and design efforts.
- 编写基本用例作为所需的构思工作的一部分,然后在分析和设计期间,将它们发展成系统用例。
- 10. You can "evolve your brain" in your lifetime bymaking sure you learn a bit every day, every week, and accumulateabilities over time.
- 你可以通过一生中确定地每天,每周学习一点,随着时间过去积累起来,从而“进化你的大脑”。
- 11. This section discusses some of the options available to an organization considering how to evolve in a controlled and incremental fashion.
- 这一部分讨论一些有用的选择,用于组织考虑如何以受控和渐进的方式发展。
- 12. These objectives may evolve as downstream lessons are learned, but more often it is their interpretation though the practices that require changes.
- 随着下游的经验的获得,这些目标可能会发展,但这常常是他们的解释,即使是需要变更的实践。
- 13. Researchers usually link speciation to some sort of physical barrier, such as a river or mountain, which divides populations and causes them to evolve independently.
- 研究人员通常把物种形成与某种物理屏障相联系,如河流或山脉,这种屏障分隔种群,使它们独立进化。
- 14. We could then climb into whatever kind of logic we can make, evolve, or find.
- 那么,我们就能够攀缘进入我们所能创造、进化或发现的任何类型的逻辑之中。
- 15. Looking at how the bad guys - and they are early adopters of cloud computing themselves - and how they’re going to evolve and look to attack new systems.
- 你看看这些坏蛋们——他们自己就是云计算早期的使用者——随着使用的深入他们开始发展并研究如何攻击这些新系统。
- 16. As this technology, product, and toolset evolve, you will be able to do more to bring this black art of voice application programming to the mainstream.
- 随着这项技术、产品和工具集的发展,您将能够做更多的工作使语音应用程序编程这种神秘的魔法成为主流。
- 17. And each successive iteration builds on the work of previous iterations to evolve and refine the system until the final product is complete.
- 每个后续的迭代都建立在前一个迭代的基础上以使系统得到发展和细化,直到最终产品被完成。
- 18. Another aspect of maintenance is how easy it will be to upgrade your solution in the future, as middleware products evolve.
- 维护的另一个方面是,随着中间件产品的发展,将来升级解决方案的难易程度如何。
- 19. The team examined the rate of evolution of the PSD proteins over millions of years of mammalian evolution, expecting the proteins to evolve at the same rate as other proteins.
- 研究小组还计算了在哺乳动物数百万年进化过程中PSD蛋白的进化速率,期待这些蛋白能以与其他蛋白一样的速率进化。
- 20. ", but of "Low" relative support toward "Realistically evolve project budgets...".
- 的“高”相对的支持,而对“实际地发展项目预算...”
- 21. Gut means that we have a strong point of view of how the market will evolve and what solutions will be important, and your product meets that vision.
- “直觉”是指我们对市场的发展、以及什么样的解决方案将是重点等方面有深刻的认识,而你的产品刚好符合我们的看法。
- 22. However, new studies of past flu pandemics are beginning to reveal some commonalities about how influenza viruses evolve and spread, she says.
- 然而,她说对过去的流感大流行的新研究正在逐渐揭示出关于流感病毒如何进化和传播的一些共性。
- 23. Make 2009 the year that you evolve, grow and fulfil your potential.
- 让2009年成为你发展、增长并实现自己潜力的一年吧。
- 24. Evolve and improve data models and processes across the organization.
- 发展和提高跨组织的数据模型和流程。
- 25. Evolve and improve data models and processes across the organization.
- 发展和提高跨组织的数据模型和流程。
- 26. He argued that organisms evolve gradually by accumulating small hereditary changes.
- 他论证说,生物是由于一些小的遗传变异的积累而逐渐演变的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Rostow envisions that economies may evolve beyond the stage of high mass consumption.
- 罗斯托预言,经济的发展还会超过高额群众消费阶段。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. These scenarios typically evolve from the context scenarios, but here we specifically describe the persona’s interaction with the various functional and data elements that make up the interaction framework.
- 这些场景剧本通常从情境场景剧本演变过来,但在此处的场景剧本特别描述了人物角色与组成交互框架的不同的功能和数据元素的交互。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. How did you evolve this very personal and original style?
- 你是怎样逐步形成这种很有个性且具独创性的风格的?
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Although standards are unarguably useful, they need to evolve as technology and our understanding of users and their goals evolve.
- 虽然标准无可争论是有用的,但它们也需要随技术的演化,以及我们对用户和用户目标理解的演化而演化。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. If you’re designing for a rapidly evolving workflow, it’s of utmost importance that the software used to support the workflow can evolve as quickly as the state of the art.
- 如果你设计的软件将用于高速度不断演变的工作流,那么毫无疑问,这个用来支持该工作流的软件必须也可以尽可能快速地不断演变 ,这是非常重要的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. evolve from a lower form [into a higher form] of animal life
- 由低等动物进化到高等动物
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. ToolTips make the controls on the toolbar much more accessible for intermediate users, which has allowed the toolbar to evolve beyond simply providing alternative access to menu commands.
- 工具提示使得中间用户可以更加容易地访问工具栏上的控件,允许工具栏进化,超越了原来只是充当菜单命令访问的替代角色。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Designers, then, should bear in mind that consistency doesn’t imply rigidity, especially where it isn’t appropriate. Interface and interaction style guidelines need to grow and evolve like the software they help describe.
- 因此设计师应该记住,一致性并不意味着僵化,特别在不恰当时,界面和交互风格指南准则必须随其所服务的软件成长和演化。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. This list of topics may evolve over the course of your interviews, but this will help you make sure that you get enough detail from each interview so that you are able to recognize the significant behavior patterns.
- 尽管问题清单会随着访谈的进程而有所改变,仍有助于确保每次访谈都获得足够的信息,以发现显著的行为模式。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓