1. A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.
2. The automatic fire alarm systems (FAS), a previous forecast, fire exterminate, guarantee personal and property security, have played an irreplaceable role.
3. Article15any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
4. Article 15 any animal farm should exterminate animal epidemics in time. Stud stock and breeding poultry shall be kept healthy up to the standards set by the state.
5. Wondrously, scientists have found lately that the white blood cells in the human body's immune system can locate, attack, and exterminate particles harming our body.
6. The low cost of violating the law is a superexcellent weapon to exterminate rivals, and such act is still constantly practiced by 360 Security Guard, the second largest Internet client in China.
7. Right be complained directly or of pass on of Consumer's Committee of city of hill of exterminate of Fujian Province Consumer's Committee, fierce complain, end in 10 workaday processing commonly.
8. How to cut down the surface runoff, to exterminate or to reduce the disaster of urban water logging, protect the city's water ecosystem environment, have become an important topic concerned widely.
9. The new robust PCA algorithm can recognize the outliers in the sample set automatically and exterminate their effects to the accuracy of the PCA algorithm through proper processing to the outliers.
10. The new robust PCA algorithm can recognize the outliers in the sample set automatically and exterminate their effects to the accuracy of the PCA algorithm through proper processing to the outliers.
11. The man-hunts with horses and dogs, organized to exterminate the aborigines of Australia and New Zealand are rarely mentioned in the histories devoted to the early years of these distant territories.
12. Thee man-hunts with horses and dogs, organized to exterminate the aborigines of Australia and New Zealand are rarely mentioned in the histories devoted to the early years of these distant territories.
13. Thee man-hunts with horses and dogs, organized to exterminate the aborigines of Australia and New Zealand are rarely mentioned in the histories devoted to the early years of these distant territories.