- 1. In indonesia , gamelan orchestras play music on gongs , drums , and xylophones.
- 印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、鼓和木琴演奏音乐。
- 2. By now you hear gamelan all over this ancient capital, from the airport public address system to the marbled palace of the local sultan.
- 如今,从机场的公共广播到本地苏丹的大理石宫殿,这座古都到处都可以听到甘美兰(一种印尼民族乐器)的演奏声。
- 3. By now you hear gamelan all over this ancient capital, from the airport public address system to the marbled palace of the local sultan.
- 如今,从机场的公共广播到本地苏丹的大理石宫殿,这座古都到处都可以听到甘美兰(一种印尼民族乐器)的演奏声。
- 4. In Indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs, drums, and xylophones.
- 印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、和木琴演奏音乐。
-- 来源 -- www.shartsadmin.com
- 5. Through a number of recording tours, pastoral songs" of India, spell casting from SADOO", orrudindedou"/ batokin" which are string instruments of Mongolia, gamelan", ketiak" and jegoku" of Bali were recorded.
- 他们带着数字录音机,独自多次到达印度山区,蒙古大草原和巴厘岛的村庄,搜集了包括反映印度的“牧歌”(说被印度的圣人下过咒)蒙古的马头琴之类弦乐器以及巴厘岛的家麦兰等演奏的乐曲。
-- 来源 -- bbs.flamesky.com