1. The affordance of the scrollbar clearly shows that it can be manipulated, but the only things about it that tell us what it does are the arrows, which hint at its directionality.

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2. The overwhelming majority of software programs today are implementation centric in that they show us, without any hint of shame, precisely how they are built.

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3. The secret to designing a successful Undo system is to make sure that it supports typically used tools and avoids any hint that Undo signals (whether visually, audibly, or textually) a failure by a user.

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4. For a title bar, you could use cursor hinting or a gripable texture as a pliancy hint.

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5. While we applaud his sentiment, we wish he weren’t so obtrusive and could take a hint when it’s clear we don’t want his help.

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6. The only hints that the window can be dragged are its color and slight dimensionality of the title bar, a subtle visual hint that is purely idiomatic.

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7. For example, it is difficult to make dense tabular data visually hint at pliancy without disturbing its clear representation, so cursor hinting is the most effective method.

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8. Visual feedback for drag-and-drop As we’ve discussed, an interface should visually hint at its pliancy, either statically, in the way it is drawn, or actively, by animating as the cursor passes over it.

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9. Notice that it is polite, illuminating, and helpful. It doesn’t even hint that the user’s behavior is anything but impeccable.

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10. If there is more data than fits on a screen, make sure to boldly indicate that more data is available, ideally with a hint as to how to access it.

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