- 1. She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother.
- 她总是在为她不方便外出的祖母跑前跑后。
- 2. He pointed out that e-books were not only cheaper, because of the lack of wear and tear and thefts, but they also offered great opportunities for older housebound readers.
- 他指出,电子图书不仅因为不会被磨损、撕毁或者盗窃而廉价,而且它们更是给那些腿脚不便利的老年读者带来了福音。
- 3. Against that, however, it is unclear how robust the logistics networks those companies depend on would be in such a scenario: Why would mailmen venture out to work if everyone else was housebound?
- 不过,现在还不清楚这些公司所依赖的物流网络将在多大程度上出现这样的情况:如果其他所有人都窝在家里,那么为什么投递员就会冒险出门工作呢?
- 4. Against that, however, it is unclear how robust the logistics networks those companies depend on would be in such a scenario: Why would mailmen venture out to work if everyone else was housebound?
- 不过,现在还不清楚这些公司所依赖的物流网络将在多大程度上出现这样的情况:如果其他所有人都窝在家里,那么为什么投递员就会冒险出门工作呢?
- 5. Though she disliked being housebound, she pampered herself too much to go out, so she was bored to death. Her sole distraction lay in more purchases.
- 她恨自己出不去,又疼爱自己而不肯出去,不出去又憋闷的慌,所以只好多买些东西来看着还舒服些。
-- 来源 -- 汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子 - P_luotuoxiangzi-19
- 6. housebound housewife syndrome
- 居家主妇综合症
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 7. Other neighbors coach soccer teams, visit the sick, give rides to the housebound, tutor dropouts, teach adults to read.
- 别的邻居们有的执教足球队,探视病人,有的驱车访问那些羁居于家的人,教育那些悲观厌世的人,教成年人读书。”
-- 来源 -- literature - 汉英