16. Hypochondriac patients are often sensitive, suspicious personality, subjective, stubborn, self-centered and self-pity and loneliness are common.
17. Results The course of hypochondriac neurosis was persistence, 50% patients had mental factors, and 55.6% patients were introversive personality.
结果疑病性神经症患者病程迁延,起病有精神因素者占5 0 %,个性内向者居多占5 5 6%。
18. The depressive hypochondriac enters the doctor's office with tears in her eyes, insists she's dying and that there's no point even getting tested.
19. Hypochondriac Pain is a disease with the clinical manifestation of one side or both sides chest pain, and it is a common clinical auto psyche symptoms.
20. At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms.
21. Results NYFLRC decoction had the effect of ameliorating clinical symptoms such as eating little, hypochondriac pain, fullness of abdomen, fatigue, et al (P
22. The bleaching of his skin seemed intended not so much to make him look like a white person as to ensure that he vanished altogether, a classic hypochondriac fantasy.
23. The somatoform type of hypochondriac has many physical symptoms and assumes there’s a serious underlying cause but doesn’t necessarily jump to catastrophic conclusions.
24. Some examples about the syndrome differentiation standardization of chronic hepatitis c, subclinical hepatic encephalopathy and hepatic hypochondriac pain were presented.
25. "Extremely suspicious" of the ancients left us on the "hypochondriac" wonderful description of disease and cure, could be considered as the motto of today's mental health.
26. As for the 68-year-old Colonel Qaddafi, the cables provide an arresting portrait, describing him as a hypochondriac who fears flying over water and often fasts on Mondays and Thursdays.
27. The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his' bad body. '.
28. The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his' bad body. '.