- 1. This process should be inclusive of all departments and all situations.
- 此过程应该包括所有部门和所有的情况。
- 2. As a convenience, I use the term "mechanism," as in the phrase "governance mechanism" to be all-inclusive of the components identified above.
- 为了方便起见,如在短语“治理机制”中一样,我使用术语“机制”来包括上面所识别的所有组成部分。
- 3. Obviously, if "ashtray" or "painting" belongs in home furnishings, then it certainly belongs in the bigger, more inclusive combined category too.
- 显然,如果“烟灰缸”或“油画”属于家居用品,那么它们当然属于一个大的包含更多的分类中。
- 4. Further, you can specify an inclusive range of characters in a set with the - (hyphen) operator.
- 而且,还可以使用-(连字符)操作符在集合中指定包含的字符范围。
- 5. Unless you intend the list to be all-inclusive, you had better clarify your intent that it is merely an example.
- 除非你能够列出所有被包括的项,否则最好用"但不限于...." 的分句,来说明你只是想举个例子。
- 6. There can be little doubt that only genuine and inclusive dialogue can deliver national reconciliation and stability for Burma and its neighbours.
- 毫无疑问,只有包含各方的真正对话才能给缅甸带来全国和解,给缅甸和邻国带来稳定。
- 7. Indeed, they have given strong signs that they wish simply to amend the current draft, and they have shown little inclination toward either a democratic or an inclusive process.
- 实际上,他们已经给出过明显信号,仅仅希望修改目前宪法草案,而对民主的或是包括各党派的立法进程,他们并没表现出多少倾向性。
- 8. Certainly, this is not all-inclusive and is subject to change based on individual client requirements.
- 当然,这是无法包含所有的,并且是需要基于各个客户的需求进行改变的。
- 9. And, add the authors, Dr. Allan S. Brett of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine and Richard J. Ablin of the University of Arizona, that figure is not inclusive.
- 而另外两位作者,美国南卡罗来纳州医学院的阿兰•S•布莱特博士和亚利桑那大学的理查德•阿伯林所提供的数字并不包含在内。
- 10. Weneed to adjust science, technology and engineering courses, making them more interdisciplinary, hands-on and inclusive of collective learning.
- 我们需要调整科学技术和工程课程,让它们更加跨学科、更有实际经验,包括集体学习。
- 11. For science education to be effective, it must be inclusive and should recognise how science teachers, scientists, families and the community work together to achieve learning and teaching goals.
- 为了让科学教育有效,它必须广泛包容,而且应该认识到科学教师、科学家、家庭和社区如何合作实现学习和教学的目标。
- 12. But all of you insisted on an inclusive process driven by Member States.
- 但大家都一致坚持应通过由会员国推动的包容性进程开展改革。
- 13. This is an inclusive search.
- 这是一个广义搜索。
- 14. We just want to see that government be as inclusive as possible.
- 我们只是希望看到这个政府能尽量具有包容性。
- 15. And while I have the opportunity to address you, I say part of solution has to be that the talent base has to be more inclusive.
- 才能解决这个问题,我想借此机会告诉大家我认为,解决方法之一就是使我们的人才基础更广泛。
- 16. We believe that Libya’s transition should come through a broadly inclusive process that reflects the will and protects the rights of the Libyan people.
- 我们认为,利比亚的过渡应通过一个广泛的、具有包容性的程序,反映利比亚人民的意志,保护他们的权利。
- 17. The independence of infrastructure and development are central pillars to inclusive growth.
- 基础设施和发展的独立性是全面增长的主要支柱。
- 18. The left may have faith in the findings of think tanks, the right in the freedom of markets, but on this one, I want a more inclusive, expansive debate.
- 左派也许相信智囊团的发现,右派相信市场的自由性,但在这一件事上,我希望有一个更加包容性的、广阔的思索。
- 19. My vision is one of a partnership that is inclusive and that focuses on the TB problem everywhere it occurs in the world.
- 我的构想是能够有一项包含一切的伙伴关系集中关注世界上任何有结核病问题的地方。
- 20. The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed the draft, but said a food safety law should be more inclusive and cover food products from the farm to the final consumer.
- 世界卫生组织表示了对该草案的欢迎,但也表达食品安全法应该扩大覆盖面,监管从食品种植到消费者消费的全部环节。
- 21. There are people who feel threatened by the very existence of the inclusive government: it threatens their patronage, it threatens their benefactors, so naturally they react.
- 联合政府的存在让某些人感到了威胁:这威胁到了他们的利益,威胁到了他们的恩主,很自然他们会有所反应。
- 22. I tell this story of my struggle to become an American writer because it was a struggle I shared with a country that was also struggling to become a more inclusive and representative nation.
- 我讲述成为美国作家的奋斗史,是因为我的奋斗与一个国家也在为实现更宽容、更有代表性的理想而蹈奋励志的历程密不可分。
- 23. He adds that he wants to see a more inclusive approach to water issues, where all types of water — agricultural, drinking, industrial and environmental — are dealt with together.
- 他还说他希望看到解决水问题的更加综合的方法,即同时解决所有类型的水问题——农业、饮用、工业和环境水问题。
- 24. This is an inclusive movement and we need all the change agents we can get!
- 这是一项有容乃大的运动,有多少改革推进的人我们就需要多少!
- 25. He said this represents the ongoing U.S. commitment to an inclusive and open global trading system.
- 他说,这代表了美国对建设一个广泛和开放性的全球贸易体系的承诺。
- 26. One of the most difficult tasks associated with system administration is maintaining a centralized documentation repository that is current, comprehensive, and inclusive of all systems.
- 与系统管理相关的最困难的任务之一是维护一个最新的、全面的、涵盖所有系统的集中式文档存储库。
- 27. One of the most difficult tasks associated with system administration is maintaining a centralized documentation repository that is current, comprehensive, and inclusive of all systems.
- 与系统管理相关的最困难的任务之一是维护一个最新的、全面的、涵盖所有系统的集中式文档存储库。
- 28. She gave her father, and incidentally Cowperwood, a gleaming, radiant, inclusive smile.
- 她对她的父亲,但无心地对柯帕乌现出容光焕发、意义深长的笑容。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Every single community is always a part of some larger and more inclusive one.
- 每一个单一的社区往往是一些较大的、包容更广阔的社区的一个组成部分。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Read pages 25 to 50 inclusive.
- 从第二十五页一直读到第五十页。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. The monthly rent is $ 20 inclusive of everything.
- 月房租总共二十美元,包括一切费用在内。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Perhaps the most important questions are whether simpler and more inclusive conservation laws exist.
- 最重要的疑问或许是:有没有形式更简单、适用范围更广泛的守恒定律。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. from July 1 to 31(both) inclusive
- 七月一日至三十一日止 (包括一日与三十一日在内)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. Therefore, the all inclusive term endocytosis is now coming into common use for this process.
- 因此,这个过程现在通常用一概括的名词--内吞作用来命名。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. The rent is $300, inclusive of heating.
- 房租三百元,包括暖气费在内。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 36. You can examine the list of past operations and select some operation in the list to Undo; however, you are not undoing that one operation, but rather all operations back to that point, inclusive (see Figure 16-1).
- 你可以检查过去操作的列表,并且在列表中选择一些操作进行撤销。 然而你不是撤销一次操作,而是使所有操作返回原来的状态(见图16-1)。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. a party of ten, inclusive of the host
- 包括主人在内,共十人的宴会
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句