- 1. There is a bower on the knoll .
- 小山上有一个凉亭。
- 2. A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll.
- 小丘低土丘或圆岗;
- 3. On two successive nights they tried in vain to seize a knoll that lay between their position and Monastery Hill.
- 它们奋战两天两夜,企图夺取座落在它们阵地和修道院山地之间的小山,但未得手。
- 4. Perched at the top of a wooded knoll in the Hudson Valley, the Lantern Ridge House accentuates mountain views while camouflaging itself in the densely forested environment.
- 该灯脊屋建筑位于哈德逊峡谷的森林顶部,为突出山景而隐于浓密的森林中。
- 5. Perched at the top of a wooded knoll in the Hudson Valley, the Lantern Ridge House accentuates mountain views while camouflaging itself in the densely forested environment.
- 该灯脊屋建筑位于哈德逊峡谷的森林顶部,为突出山景而隐于浓密的森林中。
- 6. Mellors took the chair again, looking perfectly unheeding, yet Connie felt he noted everything. As he pushed the chair up the steepish rise of the knoll in the park, he Breathed rather quickly, through parted lips. He was rather frail really.
- 梅乐十回来重新扶着车子,好象什么都没有听见的样子,可是康妮却觉得他留意着一切,当他在林园里推着车子上那有点峻峭的山丘财,他嘴唇张着,呼吸有点急了起来。他并不怎样强壮呵。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
- 7. died at 28, wasted from years of self - destructing on drugs(bJack Knoll)
- 死时28岁,因多年吸毒造成的自我毁灭而精力耗尽(b杰克 诺尔)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 8. Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll.
- 对于希尔弗来说,爬上那小山丘真不是件容易事。
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 金银岛 - jinyindao20
- 9. This was how it was: a spring of clear water rose almost at the top of a knoll. Well, on the knoll, and enclosing the spring, they had clapped a stout log-house, fit to hold two score of people on a pinch, and loop-holed for musketry on every side.
- 木寨的情况是这样的:一股清泉几乎是从小山丘的顶上涌了出来,有人在这山丘上用圆木围着清泉建了一座坚固的屋子,里面可以挤得下四十个人,而且四面的墙上都有枪孔。
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 金银岛 - jinyindao16
- 10. A low mound or ridge of earth;a knoll.
- 小丘低土丘或圆岗;小丘
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 11. Once one gets atop the knoll known as Gandeerao the majestic mausoleum comes into view, its three resplendent domes, resembling those of yurts, glittering in the midst of trees.
- 登上甘德尔敖包,成吉思汗陵的雄姿便展现在眼前,3个蒙古包式的圆顶金碧辉煌,与丛林相映,光耀夺目。
-- 来源 -- 刘华中国文化 - zhongguowenhua_44
- 12. This was one of the places that Sir Geoffrey had cut during the war for trench timber. The whole knoll, which rose softly on the right of the riding, was denuded and strangely forlorn.
- 这是大战中佐费来男爵伐木以供战壕之用的一个地方,在马路的右边渐次隆起的圆丘,一片光溜溜,怪荒芜的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
- 13. died at 28, wasted from years of self - destructing on drugs(Jack Knoll)
- 死时28岁,因多年吸毒造成的自我毁灭而精力耗尽(杰克 诺尔)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 14. Before his Jersey City appearance, Bush made a strong pitch on behalf of Social Security program before an audience of 300 residents of the Leisure Knoll retirement community in Manchester Township.
- 到泽西市巡视以前,布什总统在曼彻斯特镇休闲山庄退休社区的300居民听众面前大力宣扬社会安全计划。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 15. On two successive nights they tried in vain to seize a knoll that lay between their position and Monastery Hill.
- 它们奋战两天两夜,企图夺取座落在它们阵地和修道院山地之间的小山,但未得手。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句