- 1. They did her out of her life savings.
- 他们骗取了她的生活储蓄金。
- 2. She talked at us about her family life.
- 她对我们滔滔不绝地讲她的家庭生活。
- 3. Guard the secret with your life: tell it to no one!
- 用你的生命来严守机密,请不要告诉任何人!
- 4. It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.
- 用那种方式危及你的生命是愚蠢的。
- 5. The death of her husband left a big blank in her life.
- 她丈夫的去世使她在生活中感到茫然空虚。
- 6. Today, the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.
- 当今,随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快。
- 7. Hers is life of struggle.
- 她的一生是战斗的一生。
- 8. Distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life.
- 由于不信任女人,他做了一辈子单身汉。
- 9. The man in high position has power of life and death over many people.
- 这位身居高职的人物手握对众多人口的生杀予夺大权。
- 10. The accident deprived her of her life.
- 那场事故夺去了她的生命。
- 11. We have long mediated on the meaning of life.
- 长期以来,我们一直在思考人生的意义。
- 12. He based the book on his own life.
- 他根据他自己的生活写这本书。
- 13. The events of his life concurred to make him what he was.
- 他生活上的一些事件凑在一起使他变成这个样子。
- 14. They purchased life at the expense of honour.
- 他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。
- 15. He passed me by as though he had never in his life seen me before.
- 他不理我,好像在他的生活中他以前从未见过我似的。
- 16. He paid for the foolhardy act with his life.
- 他的这种胡为, 使他付出了生命代价。
- 17. He risked his life in trying to save the drowning boy.
- 他冒着生命危险去营救那个快要淹死的男孩。
- 18. The accident deprived him of his life.
- 这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。
- 19. She awoke to the realities of life.
- 她认识到生活的种种现实。
- 20. She always nagged about his way of life.
- 她总是不停地抱怨他的不良生活习惯。
- 21. Can you divorce life from art?
- 你能使生活与艺术脱离吗?
- 22. Your mode of life speaks well for your healthy condition.
- 你的有规律的生活说明你的健康状况良好。
- 23. Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.
- 一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。
- 24. His way of life conforms to his income.
- 他的生活方式与他的收入是相符的。
- 25. No man could switch him off when he talked about his gay social life.
- 当他谈起他放荡不羁的社交生活时,没人能让他不说下去。
- 26. Sports never had a place in his life.
- 体育运动在他的生活中没有地位。
- 27. I will pawn my life for her.
- 我愿为她用生命作担保。
- 28. She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.
- 宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。
- 29. She burned herself out with a life of aimless dissipation.
- 她毫无目的地过着放荡生活,把身体搞垮了。
- 30. They stood to the adventure in the Arctic, braving their life.
- 他们冒着生命危险坚定地在北极从事探险。
- 31. At this point, your personas should be starting to come to life.
- 从这时开始,你创建的人物角色们应该开始变得生动逼真起来。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Revision is a fact of life in design.
- 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. A description or two that sharpens the personalities of your personas can help bring them to life.
- 一个或者两个对人物角色的人格特征的精确描述,就能将人物比较生动形象地刻画出来。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Zero or one life goal is appropriate for most personas.
- 大多数人物角色通常可以没有人生目标或者只有一个生活目标,这是正常的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Life goals are most useful for personas of consumer-oriented products, but they can also make sense for enterprise personas in transient job roles.
- 人生目标对于面向消费者的产品的人物角色来说是最有用的,同时对于处于职业转换期间的企业人物角色也很有意义。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. Life goals describe a persona’s long-term desires, motivations, and self-image attributes, which cause the persona to connect with a product.
- 人生目标描述了人物角色的长期期望、动机和自我形象的特征,这些将人物角色和产品联系起来。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Customer personas also may have their own life, experience, and especially end goals in relation to the product if they use it in any capacity.
- 如果顾客人物角色也或多或少使用该产品,他们则也会有着其自身的人生、体验和与产品有关的最终目标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. Addressing life goals of users makes the difference (assuming that other goals are also met) between a satisfied user and a fanatically loyal user.
- 是否能够达成用户的人生目标(假设其他目标也达到了),决定普通的满意用户和狂热的忠实用户的区别。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 39. Interaction designers must translate life goals into high-level system capabilities, formal design concepts, and brand strategy.
- 交互设计者必须要将人生目标转化为高层次的产品功能、正式的设计概念和品牌战略。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 40. Life goals rarely figure directly into the design of specific elements or behaviors of an interface. However, they are very much worth keeping in mind.
- 尽管人生目标极少会直接关系到具体元素的设计或者界面的行为,但是还是非常有必要将其记在心头。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓