- 1. Rumor has it that he had liposuction.
- 传闻说他抽脂了。
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 2. As the name suggests, liposuction relies on vacuum pressure to draw out the lipids.
- 顾名思义,抽脂利用真空压力来抽出脂肪。
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 3. Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction,* augmentation
- 手术康复后,她决定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手术:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皱。
-- 来源 -- sl.iciba.com
- 4. All this talk of liposuction has put me off my lunch.
- 你知道吗?说这些抽脂的事已经让我对午餐倒尽胃口了。
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 5. Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 漫漫减肥路,抽脂快一步?
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 6. When dieting and exercise fail, some people turn to liposuction,
- 当节食和运动皆告失败,有些人便转向抽脂,
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 7. Liposuction is no substitute for exercise and a proper diet.
- 抽脂取代不了运动和适当的饮食。
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 8. You can have the liposuction done first, and if necessary, the residual breast tissue can be removed
- 你当然可以先做抽脂,多馀的乳房组织可以等第二个手术时移除。
-- 来源 -- www.cnzxmr.com
- 9. So those best suited for liposuction are healthy and have good skin tone.
- 所以那些健康且皮肤状况良好的人最适合抽脂。
-- 来源 -- 空中美语-科普篇-怒发冲冠为哪桩? - Liposuction: When Your Chances Are Slim
- 10. Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction, breast
- 手术康复后,她决定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手术:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皱。
-- 来源 -- www.ensalon.com