- 1. He said nonchalantly,"Maybe."
- “也许可以,”他不高兴地回答着。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 2. Tu Hsin-to, wearing his usual air of blase superiority, draped himself nonchalantly against the doorpost
- 杜新箨依然是什么也不介意,什么也看不惯的神气,很潇洒地把背脊靠在那大餐间通到客厅的那道门框上,微笑着回答道:
-- 来源 -- 子夜部分 - ZIYE-14
- 3. To look at it nonchalantly
- 淡漠视之
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
- 4. When one of the women in my group got up to dance, she passed me her long scarf to hold so I nonchalantly
- 我们团里的一位女士因为要跳舞,就把她的长围巾交给我,而我又若无其事地将它围在了脖子上。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 5. They just stood by, gazing nonchalantly at the mother and son.
- 三个外国人见此情形,既不去接找头也不拿香蕉,冷冷地盯着摊主和他的娘。
-- 来源 -- 汉英文学 - 散文英译 - mzjy_baopixiangjiao
- 6. Again Tu Wei-yueh smiled nonchalantly and remained silent.
- 屠维岳依然冷幽幽地微笑,总是不说话。
-- 来源 -- 子夜部分 - ziye-07
- 7. I know what I will say, or rather bring out nonchalantly, in the course of conversation
- 在谈话过程中,我知道我要说什么,或者更确切地说,我会泰然自若地把要说的话说同来。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例
- 8. He simply kissed the hand which Marguerite rather nonchalantly held out to him and, after taking his
- 他只是握着玛格丽特漫不经心地向他伸过去的手吻了吻,向我们行了个礼就走了。
-- 来源 -- literature - 汉英
- 9. He answer nonchalantly, "Oh,nothing," but wants the inquirer to get a message to the UN.
- "他满不在乎地回答:"哦,没什么。"但是他要问话人给联合国捎个信。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 10. While you washed yourself another one stood at the door and, holding her victim by the hand, watched nonchalantly
- 你还在洗身子时,另一个婊子便扯着她的猎物站在门口等着呢,她冷淡地望着你最后草草洗几下了事。
-- 来源 -- www.en8848.com.cn