- 1. Some of these variables will represent a continuous range of behavior (for instance, from a computer novice to a computer expert), and a few will represent multiple discrete choices (for example, uses a digital camera versus uses a film camera).
- 有些变量可能会代表一个连续范围内的行为(比如从计算机新手到老手),有些变量可能会代表一些多个离散的选择(比如使用数码相机和使用胶卷相机)。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 2. She realized that she was a novice.
- 她知道自己初出茅庐。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 3. Is it a kiosk that must be rugged to withstand a public environment while accommodating thousands of distracted, novice users?
- 是公共场合下被成千上万心烦意乱的新手使用的信息亭?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 4. Touch screens should also avoid idioms that involve dragging; single-tap idioms are easier to control and more obvious (when given proper affordance) to novice users.
- 触摸屏还要避免使用普通桌面系统上常见的拖放操作,对于新用户来说,在触摸屏上的单击操作还是相对比较容易和比较明显的,前提是要有明显适当的提示。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 5. In Carrie he saw only the novice.
- 他对于嘉莉,只看到新见世面这一点。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 6. However, even the best icon designer in the world will be hard pressed to devise an icon system that will be usable without text labels by novice users.
- 不过,即使是世界上最优秀的图标设计师也很难设计出一套让新手用户可以立即理解的没有文本标签的图标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 7. Because people typically devote time and attention to using sovereign applications, they often have a vested interest in getting up the learning curve to become intermediate users, as discussed in Chapter 3. Each user spends time as a novice, but only a short period of time relative to the amount of time he will eventually spend using the product.
- 人们在使用独占应用时,由于通常都会花费不少时间和精力,因此人们都有既定的兴趣要把自己发展成为中间用户,正如我们在第3章中讨论的那样。 每个用户都会从初级用户开始花些时间,不过这些时间相对于使用产品的全部时间来说是较短的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 8. There is some temptation in the world of software design to imagine that a comprehensive catalogue of patterns could, given a clear idea of user needs, permit even novice designers to assemble coherent design solutions rapidly and with ease.
- 在软件设计领域有一种观点很吸引人,即如果用户需求清晰,一套全面的模式类目表可以帮助设计新手迅速且轻松地整合出协调的设计方案。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 9. In many cases, especially when optimizing interactions for novice users, flattening the organization of user choices (whether they be among commands or objects) can greatly improve the scanability of the user interface.
- 在很多情况下,尤其是需要考虑新手用户时,将用户的选择(命令或者对象)的组织方式扁平化可以极大地改善用户浏览界面的效果。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 10. For example, in the world of paper, no one nests folders 10 layers deep, which makes it difficult for novice computer users to come to terms with the navigational structures of an operating system.
- 例如,在使用纸的真实世界中,没有人会摞10层高的文件夹,对计算机新手来说可能就是一个问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓