1. He is a philologist, specialising in American poetry.


2. By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes.


3. By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes.


4. This paper provides a comparison of the ancient words including the tribe names and cattle markers in the11 th Divanu Lughat-it Tü rk by famous philologist Mahmud Kashgari with those remained in Hami subdialect Uyghur central dialect.

-- 来源 -- dict.cnki.net

5. This article gives an introduction to the basic content of Studies of the Old Turkic Inscriptions by GENG Shi-min, a famous philologist, and briefly summarizes the characteristics of the book.

-- 来源 -- dict.cnki.net

6. Bopp:German philologist whose Comparative Grammar (1833-1852) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例

7. Syme was a philologist, a specialist in Newspeak.

-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 1984 - 1984-1

8. British philologist, traveler, and writer of books based on his journeys, including Romany Rye(1857).
博洛,乔治 亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考

9. My Dear Otani, To study philology, with the idea of becoming a philologist, scarcely seems to me a hopeful undertaking for you.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

10. This phenomenon was first described in detail in the 19th century by the German philologist Jacob Grimm.

-- 来源 -- life - 汉英

11. Do you wish to give your life to the scientific study of languages? If you do, are you quite sure you have the particular kind of talent required (for, remember, everybody cannot become a philologist any more than everybody can become a mathematician)?

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]