- 1. Polish your shoes with a brush.
- 用刷子把你的鞋子擦亮。
- 2. That polish has bloomed.
- 那种上光剂已失去光泽。
- 3. The Polish clergy use their influence to polonize the people.
- 波兰的教士们运用他们的影响去使人民波兰化。
- 4. They hoped to instill within the common people a love for the masterpieces of Polish prose and poetry.
- 他们期望把他们对波兰散文和诗歌名著的热爱,灌输给普通的波兰人民。
- 5. After escaping from the labor camp through sewers, he joined the semiofficial Polish militia in 1944.
- 1944年,在他通过下水道逃出集中营后,他参加了半官方的波兰民兵。
- 6. Before I begin, I want to take this moment once again to acknowledge the terrible tragedy that struck the Polish people this weekend.
- 在进入会议程序之前,我想利用这一时刻再次就上个周末发生的悲惨事件向波兰人民表示慰问。
- 7. Use it with water to polish your silver.
- 可用小苏打水擦亮你的银器。
- 8. In the campaigns of 1702 and 1703 he repeatedly defeated the Saxons and then deposed Augustus from the Polish throne in favour of his own puppet king.
- 在1702年和1703年的战争中,他迅速打败了萨克森,废黜了奥古斯都的波兰王位,并扶植了一个自己喜欢的傀儡国王。
- 9. But Warsaw prefers not to remember the deaths of thousands of Russian POW in Polish concentration camps in 1919-1921.
- 但是,华沙并不想铭记那些在1919-1921年间死于波兰集中营的成千上万的俄军战俘。
- 10. They planned on publishing this list or at least handing it over to the Polish side.
- 他们曾计划将这份名单出版或者至少递交给波兰方面。
- 11. It is also cheaper than its more famous rivals, which is partly why it is packed with German and Polish holidaymakers, though the word does not seem to have spread further than these countries.
- 而且科沃布热格比其更有名的海滩胜地要便宜,这也是为何德国和波兰的度假游客蜂涌而至的部分原因了,尽管这里的名声远未传播到其他国家。
- 12. "On this difficult day the people of Russia stand with the Polish people, " Medvedev said, according to the Kremlin press service.
- “在这个艰难的一天,俄罗斯同波兰人民站在一起的人,”梅德韦杰夫说,来自于克里姆林宫新闻局。
- 13. It is dark green in colour, is so heavy as to sink in water, and takes a high polish.
- 樟木呈暗绿色,非常重以至于放到水里会下沉,樟树砍伐后需要高抛光制成樟木。
- 14. He had no idea where he was, although, at one point, heapparently glimpsed Polish writing on a water bottle.
- 他不确定自己在哪里,尽管有一次他很清楚的瞥见一个水瓶上印着波兰文。
- 15. As for inspiration, I have bookmarked several links. They are mostly Polish productions, and I visit them now and then.
- 至于我的灵感来源,其实是几个书签,他们多数是波兰生产的,我会时不时的看看这些。
- 16. Emails sent by Shaikh to the British embassy in Warsaw in 2007, when he appears to have been befriended by Polish heroin traffickers he met in the city of Lublin, expose his vulnerable state of mind.
- 2007年,谢赫在卢布林市认识了波兰海洛因贩子,似乎得到他们的帮助,当时他发给华沙英国大使馆的电子邮件暴露了他脆弱的心理状态。
- 17. Emails sent by Shaikh to the British embassy in Warsaw in 2007, when he appears to have been befriended by Polish heroin traffickers he met in the city of Lublin, expose his vulnerable state of mind.
- 2007年,谢赫在卢布林市认识了波兰海洛因贩子,似乎得到他们的帮助,当时他发给华沙英国大使馆的电子邮件暴露了他脆弱的心理状态。