1. The polyester, polythylene adipate, was removed from the reactor.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

2. Polyester bears washing.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

3. In the direct method of thinning, the polyester is placed in a thinning talk and cooled to a temperature around 100-125℃.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

4. Cheapness is one of the main attractions of polyester resins.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

5. (3) Polyester fibre;

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

6. Although many different fiber blends are used for various types of fabrics, the most used is the polyester cotton blend.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

7. Now a new material has been developed, made of aluminum which is covered with a layer of polyester.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

8. The polyester in these compositions is a 50% solution of a maleic acid-prophlene glycol condensate in diallyl phthalate.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

9. The effect of diffusion of soil removal was demonstrated with polyester film and radio-tagged stearic acid.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

10. (5) Polyester fillet;

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考