- 1. For more than half a century after Japanese surrender, there has been in Japan an evil trend to distort history and to prettify aggression. The spirit of militarism gathered again and ultra-Right trend developed much more than ever before.
- 日本战败投降半个多世纪以来,在日本国内始终存在着一股歪曲历史、美化侵略的歪风,军国主义的阴魂不散,极右势力大有愈演愈烈的趋势。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 2. During the past fewyears,a wild tide to distort historical facts and prettify aggression by the right- wing elements in Japan has beenraging,with an undisguised purpose of denying the "Tokyo Trials" and reversing the verdict on the fascist ag-gressive war.
- 近几年来,日本右翼势力在日本国内掀起一股歪曲历史、美化侵略的狂潮,公然否定“东京审判”,为法西斯侵略战争翻案。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 3. 1.to cover up; to paper over; to varnish over; to prettify; 2.whitewash
- 粉饰
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 4. and the interface visual design, which is to prettify the software products from the artistic angle, in order to give the consumers very good visual experience and to raise the additional value of the products.
- 交互设计要解决软件易用的问题,视觉设计主要是从艺术性的角度美化软件产品,给用户以良好的视觉体验,提高产品附加值。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 5. After Cold War, Japanese Right Wing tries to deny its history of invasion, tries hard to prettify the crime of invasion. The activities include;
- 文章列举冷战结束后,日本国内右翼势力否认侵略历史、美化侵略罪行的活动。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 6. apply rouge and powder; prettify; whitewash
- 涂脂抹粉
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
- 7. The bran-new moisten powder honey, strengthen the water balance inside skin, prettify and tender the skin.
- 全新美作轮廓修饰保湿底霜,有效加强肌肤内的水份均衡,同时美化和润泽肌肤。
-- 来源 -- www.yuanliao.net.cn