- 1. These are some of the problems that can be addressed through more efficient procurement policies.
- 这些都是可以通过更为有效的采购政策加以解决的一些问题。
- 2. We have now worked with 41 countries around the world on improving the transparency, competitiveness, and efficiency of government procurement.
- 我们已经与世界上的41个国家开展了合作,来改善政府采购的透明度、竞争性和效率。
- 3. It has a common IT infrastructure, which allows it to use the same accounting, procurement and other business processes all over the world.
- 它有一个共同的IT基础设施,这使得它能够使用相同的会计,采购和世界各地的其他业务流程。
- 4. A recent report by Transparency International* revealed that in one country, the value of two out of three medicines supplied through procurement was lost to corruption and fraud in hospitals.
- 透明国际*最近提出的一份报告显示,在一个国家,通过采购提供的药物将因医院中的腐败和欺诈而损失其价值的三分之二。
- 5. So some of this economic nationalism trend favoring products with high domestic content with regard to government procurement.
- 这种经济民族主义倾向还包括在政府采购方面向国产成分高的产品倾斜。
- 6. But after protests from foreign industry groups, the officials narrowed the scale of the regulation to include only government procurement of certain products.
- 但在外国行业团体表示抗议之后,官方收缩了监管规则所涉及的范围,只包括部分产品的政府采购。
- 7. In addition to direct e-commerce and recruitment Web sites, this domain includes portals where business partners can find information about manufacturing, procurement, or delivery information.
- 除了直接电子商务与招聘网站外,此域还包括业务合作伙伴可以在其中找到的关于制造、采购或配送的信息门户。
- 8. When the procurement user decides to repair a machine, a text box auto-fills with all the repair requests and contacts related to that machine.
- 若采购用户决定要修理机器,所有的修理请求和与机器有关的联系信息将自动填入一个文本框。
- 9. Another frequent requirement of large customers is integration with their procurement systems, so that purchase orders are automatically punched into the commerce environment.
- 大客户的另一常见需求是与他们的采购系统的交互,以便购买订单能够自动地输入进商业环境中。
- 10. Better planning could have prevented the establishment of parallel systems for information and for the procurement and distribution of supplies.
- 如果计划更周密,原本可以防止出现平行的信息系统和平行的医疗用品采购和供应系统。
- 11. Building parallel systems for drug procurement and delivery, or data collection and reporting, is not the right answer.
- 在药物采购和提供或者数据收集和报告方面建立并行系统并非解决之道。
- 12. It is important to note which models have been established—for example, server billing at US$0.10 per hour rather than large upfront procurement costs.
- 重要的是要注意实现了哪种模式,例如,服务器以每小时US$0.10计费,而非以大量的前端采购成本计费。
- 13. The form is loaded with the instances of the cost and approver list, so that the user can select the approver from a list, in this procurement process.
- 与表单一起加载的还有成本列表和审批人列表实例,因此用户可以在采购流程中从列表中选择审批人。
- 14. Better procurement practices is an area where WHO and UNICEF have extensive experience and some lessons to offer, as you will be hearing later.
- 较好采购做法是世卫组织和儿童基金会可提供丰富经验和某些教训的一个领域,稍后你们会听到介绍。
- 15. There are a range of procurement options, and the negotiations are intended to help determine the number of missiles and firing posts.
- 目前,将有一个采购的选择范围,谈判的目的是为了帮助确定导弹的数量和发射位置。
- 16. The tasks performed in the Procurement department are mostly repetitive, yet they require the flexibility to be handled by one or more people.
- 采购部门中所执行的任务大多是重复的,但他们要求一人或多人能解决灵活性问题。
- 17. "When you have industrial production of this scale, you have to have a procurement system for food and water, " Levy continues.
- “如此规模的工业生产必须得有一个负责食物和水的采购系统,”莱维继续说。
- 18. It will also provide procurement guidelines and specifications for wood sourced elsewhere.
- 还将提供来源于其他地区的木材采购准则和规格。
- 19. In addition, China agreed not to discriminate in government procurement based on the origin of intellectual property or to use discriminatory criteria to select industrial equipment.
- 此外,中国同意在政府采购中不以知识财产的产地为根据实施区别对待,不使用歧视性标准选购工业设备。
- 20. In addition, China agreed not to discriminate in government procurement based on the origin of intellectual property or to use discriminatory criteria to select industrial equipment.
- 此外,中国同意在政府采购中不以知识财产的产地为根据实施区别对待,不使用歧视性标准选购工业设备。
- 21. (b) procurement in a transparent manner and application of the MFN principle
- (b)以透明的方式进行采购,并实施最惠国待遇原则的情况
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 22. More and more, human food procurement came to have a dominant effect on their evolution.
- 人类获取食物愈来愈显著地影响到人类的进化。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 23. In Mexico, a large state monopoly controls imports, domestic procurement, and the distribution of a wide range of agricultural goods.
- 在墨西哥,则是由一家大国营垄断机构控制大部分农产品的进口,国内收购和分配。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 24. direct shopping [procurement]: Procurement Based on direct comparison of price quotations.
- 直接询价采购 [采购]: 在对报价直接比较的基础上进行的采购。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 经济
- 25. The Agreement on Government Procurement done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994.
- 《政府采购协定》1994年4月15日订于马拉喀什。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 26. procurement of a loan
- 贷款的获得
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Government procurement of recycled paper stimulates recycling.
- 政府收购再生纸,可以促进回收利用。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. It was squarely up to me to decide whether or not the procurement of an armistice.
- 是否赢取停战协定之决定,完全落在我一人身上。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. An intranet is a private version of the Web that is only accessible to employees of a company (and its partners, clients, or vendors in the case of an extranet), typically including both a significant number of informational pages about the company, its departments, and their activities, as well as components of richer functionality ranging from timesheet entry and travel arrangements to procurement and budgeting.
- 企业内部网是企业内部的网站,专供内部员工来访问(企业外部网则专供合作伙伴、客户和供货商来访问),通常包括大量的关于企业、部门,以及相关业务的数据网页。 还包括各种丰富的功能部件,比如时间表、差旅安排、采购和预算等。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. It is possible to create a persona that represents the needs of several user roles (for example, in designing a mobile phone, a traveling salesperson might also represent the needs of a busy executive who’s always on the road), and it is also possible that there are several people in the same role who think and act differently (perhaps a procurement planner in the chemical industry thinks about her job very differently from a procurement planner in the consumer electronics industry).
- 创建一个代表不同用户角色需求的人物角色是可能的,比如在设计某款手机时,一个经常出差的销售人员是可以代表这一个同样经常在路上的总裁的需求。 同样,一些身居同样角色的人们,他们的思维方式和行动方式也有可能是不同的。 比如,在看待其工作的思维方式上,化工行业的采购经理和在消费电子业的采购经理可能是非常不同的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓