8. Is it just the power of fads? Does it only occur in the United States? Is it primarily academic competitiveness (new ideas as more publishable)?
9. Not only will this exercise help bring together all the topics touched upon in the course, it may also allow you to produce a publishable paper.
10. You could train yourself to type faster and write two thousand words an hour, but they’ll never be great literature; chances are, they’ll never even be publishable.
11. The approach of using vector data to make map, which is based on the above model, can quickly acquire the vector geographic information with publishable efficiency.
12. If the editor indicates willingness to evaluate a revision, it means the manuscript may be publishable if the reviewers' concerns could be addressed satisfactorily.
13. After development, the project moves to the deployment stage during which the developed components are exposed as publishable, location-transparent, and discoverable services.
14. After development, the project moves to the deployment stage during which the developed components are exposed as publishable, location-transparent, and discoverable services.