- 1. But our defence construction is purely for self-defence.
- 但是,我们的国防建设完全是为了自卫。
- 2. If they resolve to the same value, it is purely coincidental.
- 如果他们分解后是同样的值,那么这是完全巧合的。
- 3. It is purely for self-defence that we have produced some nuclear weapons.
- 我们搞一点核武器完全是为了自卫。
- 4. The decision to evacuate Hawaii was based purely on the tremendous power of the earthquake in Chile, which at magnitude 8.8, was the fifth largest in the past 110 years.
- 做出撤离夏威夷的决定纯粹是由于这次智利发生的地震威力实在巨大,达到了里氏8.8级,是过去110年里发生的第五大地震。
- 5. His peculiar gift was the power of holding continuously in his mind a purely mental problem until he had seen straight through it.
- 他的特殊天赋是持续地在他头脑中持有一个纯粹心智的问题,直到看透它为止的力量。
- 6. But if cost is individual, ephemeral, and purely subjective, then it follows that no policy conclusions, including conclusions about law, can be derived from or even make use of such a concept.
- 如果成本是因人而异、转瞬即逝、纯粹主观的;那么结论是,不能据其作出任何政治决策,包括法律裁决;甚至连使用这样的概念都不可以。
- 7. For me, it changes my life from being purely self-centered to being something with meaning for others, too.
- 对我来说,做志愿者让我的生活从完全的以自我为中心变成对他人有意义。
- 8. Under the bonnet, the car is more of a purely electric car than any similar hybrids on the road today, and has made its debut at least a year ahead of similar models from the US and Japan.
- 在汽车的引擎盖下,和目前行驶在路上的任何类似的混合动力汽车相比,它是一辆更纯粹的电动车,比起美国和日本类似的设计,它的首次亮相至少早了一年。
- 9. Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness.
- 优雅在要么全无意识要么拥有无限意识的人类形式中显得尤其纯粹。
- 10. Purely as a technical person, I feel that these are the most effective and amazing products I’ve ever used.
- 作为纯粹的技术人员,我觉得这些是我曾经使用过的最有效和最令人惊异的产品。
- 11. And every physical object, or every purely physical object, is subject to deterministic laws because the laws of physics are deterministic.
- 而每个物理实体或者说每个纯粹的物理实体,都遵从着确定性的定律,因为物理定律是确定性的
- 12. Their objective is, in the most classical of senses, purely political: liberty.
- 它们的目标,是纯粹政治的——在最经典的意义上说——:自由。
- 13. For reasons too detailed to go into in this article, none of them can impact humanity purely from the positions of the stars in the sky or how aligned the planets are.
- 其中没有任何一种会纯粹因为天空中恒星的位置或者行星的排列方式对人类造成影响,其中原因太过复杂,本文不再赘述。
- 14. If your traffic comes purely from search engines, then using an exact match domain name may be a smart decision for you.
- 如果你的流量纯粹来源于搜索引擎,那么使用一个完全匹配的域名可能是您的明智之举。
- 15. Now, lest I confuse you, this is purely a theoretical discussion, and no APIs exist that will interpret these two documents as equivalent.
- 现在,为避免我把您弄糊涂,这纯粹是理论上的讨论,不存在任何API 可将这两个文档解释为等价的。
- 16. The process of thought, if people consider it at all, is generally believed to be a purely private matter having a momentary bearing on themselves alone.
- 思想的过程(如果人们能彻底的想一下)通常被认为是一件纯粹的私事,它只对他们自己有短暂的影响。
- 17. It is tempting to assume that the problem is purely one of supply and can be fixed by genetically modified plants or investment in a new “green revolution” to boost crop yields.
- 一种诱人的想法认为:问题完全出在供应层面,因此可通过转基因作物或投资一场新的“绿色革命”来提高粮食产量,从而解决问题。
- 18. Bohr’s model would win him the 1922 Nobel Prize, but its limitations inspired the search for a purely quantum physics. A key figure in this investigation was Werner Heisenberg.
- 波尔的模型会为他赢取1922年诺贝尔奖,但其局限激发了对纯粹量子物理学的探索,做这项研究的一个关键人物就是维尔纳·海森堡。
- 19. They are purely issues of style and convention.
- 它们纯粹是风格和惯例问题。
- 20. But the library system is purely voluntary, and parents are allowed to opt their kids in or out.
- 但是,图书馆指纹扫描系统完全是志愿的,父母可以决定小孩参加或不参加。
- 21. And yes, some of my reactions are purely subjective, but others are based on a bit more thoughtful reasoning.
- 是的,我的一些反应纯粹是主观的,但其他是根据一些深思的推理。
- 22. I am NOT advocating getting credit cards purely for rewards.
- 我不主张纯粹为了得到奖励而办理信用卡。
- 23. Service designs that are purely business driven may not be optimal in terms of re-use, efficient use of resources and information.
- 纯粹业务驱动的服务设计在重用,以及有效的使用资源和信息方面可能并非是最佳的。
- 24. The departure point for a viable peace deal—either with Syria or the Palestinians—must not be based purely on what the political traffic in Israel will bear, but on the requirements of all sides.
- 出发点就是,一个可行的和平协议(无论是与叙利亚还是与巴勒斯坦缔结)一定不能纯粹建立在以色列可以忍受的政治交易之上,而是要建立在各方的要求之上。
- 25. The departure point for a viable peace deal—either with Syria or the Palestinians—must not be based purely on what the political traffic in Israel will bear, but on the requirements of all sides.
- 出发点就是,一个可行的和平协议(无论是与叙利亚还是与巴勒斯坦缔结)一定不能纯粹建立在以色列可以忍受的政治交易之上,而是要建立在各方的要求之上。
- 26. Thus, most software assumes that it is blameless, and any problems are purely the fault of the user.
- 因此大多数软件认为自身是无可责备的,任何问题都纯粹是用户的错误。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. Contributions are purely optional.
- 捐献完全是随意 [出于自愿] 的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. Attendance is purely voluntary.
- 这次出席纯粹是自愿的.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. By doing this, affordance becomes a purely cognitive concept, referring to what we think the object can do rather than what it can actually do.
- 这样启示就成为一个纯粹的认知词汇,专指我们认为对象能做什么,而不是它实际上能做什么。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. The persona hypothesis should be based on likely behavior patterns and the factors that differentiate these patterns, not purely on demographics.
- 人物角色假设应当基于可能的行为模式以及区分这些模式的因素,而非单纯的人口统计学因素。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. The only hints that the window can be dragged are its color and slight dimensionality of the title bar, a subtle visual hint that is purely idiomatic.
- 窗口可以拖动的惟一暗示就是标题栏的颜色,这种精妙的视觉暗示纯粹是习惯性的,无法用直觉理解。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. A significant benefit of Undo is purely psychological: It reassures users.
- 撤销的一个很大好处纯粹是心理上的,它让用户宽心。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. The basic shape, behavior, and visual affordance (see Chapter 13) of controls should be driving factors in developing the visual style, and purely aesthetic considerations should not interfere with the meaning of the interface or a user’s ability to interact with it.
- 在开发到某种视觉风格的过程中,应考虑控件的基本形状、行为和控件的视觉启示(参见第13章),并且纯粹美学上的考虑不应该干扰到界面的含义或用户与它交互的能力。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Their use is purely rhetorical: to help communicate to other members of the team that a persona should definitely not be the design target for the product.
- 不像被服务的人物角色,他们的使用纯粹是带修饰色彩的。 他们被用于和团队中其他成员进行交流,而完全不应该成为产品的设计目标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Sites that are purely informational, which require no complex transactions to take place beyond navigating from page to page and limited searching, must balance two forces: the need to display a reasonable density of useful information and the need to allow first-time and infrequent users to learn and navigate the site easily.
- 这些并不需要复杂的操作,但也要注意平衡如下两个方面,即显示有用信息的密度要适当。 而且要便于首次和非频繁使用者的导航和学习,这就意味着信息类网站在独占姿态和暂时姿态之间存在着相对的作用力。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓