- 1. How can I resolve this warning?
- 我怎样才能解决这个警告?。
- 2. "We have to resolve" this problem, she said.
- 她说,“我们必须解决”这一问题。
- 3. We should be able to resolve our differences.
- 我们应该能够解决我们的分歧。 。
- 4. Resolve it or forget about it.
- 解决你的怒气,或者忘了它。
- 5. This did not shake his resolve.
- 这事并未动摇他的决心。
- 6. You are to begin to resolve these problems before we land.
- 你们会在我们登陆之前开始解决这些问题。
- 7. How do we resolve this apparent incongruity?
- 怎样解决这一明显的不一致呢?
- 8. Can you resolve it into its component elements?
- 你能把它分解为组成它的元素吗?。
- 9. How can I resolve dependency in Castle Windsor Factory?
- 我怎么能解决依赖在温莎城堡工厂?。
- 10. So, each year at this time, we renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act of terror and who continue to plot against us – for we will never waver in defense of this nation.
- 因此,每年的这个时候,我们都再次重申我们对那些对我们犯下野蛮恐怖暴行和一直密谋与我们对抗的人的决心——我们永远不会在保卫国家上有所动摇。
- 11. How can I make Unity resolve a type to a property of another type?
- 我怎样才能使统一解决类型到另一种类型的属性?
- 12. And now we have an opportunity to resolve our differences peacefully.
- 现在我们有机会和平地解决我们的分歧。
- 13. It will be hard to overcome decades of mistrust, but we will proceed with courage, rectitude and resolve.
- 要克服几十年的猜疑和不信任是困难的,但我们将凭借勇气、正直和决心继续前行。
- 14. Go to a quiet place away from the office and resolve your differences there.
- 在办公室外面找一个安静的地方,在那里解决你们的问题。
- 15. To be clear, the best approach for solving memory leaks is to detect and resolve them in test.
- 为了更加清楚起见,解决内存泄漏的最佳方法是在测试时检测并解决它们。
- 16. Now, everyone will be testing you, your mettle, your resolve.
- 现在,每个人都会考验你,你的勇气、你的决心。
- 17. I have something to resolve.
- 我有一个问题需要解决。
- 18. It reinforces the resolve of its neighbors to intensify their cooperation to safeguard peace and stability in the region against all provocations.
- 这种行为增强了其邻国为维护地区和平与稳定及防范一切挑衅行为进行合作的决心。
- 19. They should resolve that quarrel on its merits and keep the China scare out of it.
- 他们应该解决在这一问题上的争论并且解除对中国的恐惧。
- 20. If you do this you can strengthen your mind and your resolve and stay focused on your task.
- 只要这样做了,你就能强化你的头脑和你的决心并继续专注你的任务。
- 21. We may think that the advance in technology can greatly resolve all these problems.
- 还有就是,我们觉得科技的发展可以完全解决这些问题。 。
- 22. Whatever promises you make to the customer to resolve the issue, be sure to follow up.
- 不管你为了解决问题向客户做出了什么样的承诺,要确保持续跟进。
- 23. His opposition served only to strengthen our resolve.
- 他一反对反而增强了我们的决心。
- 24. When I visited Semipalatinsk in 2010, I saw the toxic damage - but I also witnessed the resolve of the victims and survivors.
- 我在2010年访问塞米巴拉金斯克时看到了毒性损害,但我也见证了受害者和幸存者的决心。
- 25. We must keep our resolve.
- 我们必须保持决心。
- 26. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices.
- 只有这样我们才能解决我们的问题,做出选择。
- 27. "It will extend the deadline but not resolve the problem, " he said.
- “可能延缓最后期限的到来,但解决不了问题,”他说。
- 28. "It will extend the deadline but not resolve the problem, " he said.
- “可能延缓最后期限的到来,但解决不了问题,”他说。
- 29. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
- 该做的一定要做,要做的一定要做好。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Further work is needed to resolve this contradiction.
- 解决这一矛盾需要进一步研究。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. He is a man of high resolve.
- 他是一个意志非常坚强的人。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Personas also can resolve three design issues that arise during product development:
- 人物角色也解决了在产品开发过程中出现的3个设计问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. This is a significant conflict of interest that good interaction design can help resolve.
- 这种利益的明显冲突,只有深知其味,但又从开发中分离出来的交互设计可以解决。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. As a program’s code grows during development, programmers detect numerous situations where they don’t feel that they can resolve issues adequately.
- 在开发过程中,随着程序代码的增加,程序员会发现大量感到不能充分解决问题的地方。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. That’s because programmers tend to resolve choices from the standpoint of logic, and it carries over to their software design.
- 这是因为程序员倾向于从逻辑的角度解决问题,并且把这种观点带入到了软件设计中。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. The following sections explain some characteristic patterns in the ways people make choices that can help us resolve these more complex questions about task coherence.
- 下面的部分解释了人们进行选择的特征模式,可以帮助我们解决一些与任务一致性有关的更复杂的问题。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. Because the cursor frequently must resolve to a single pixel in order to point at small things, there must be some way for the cursor to indicate precisely which pixel is the one pointed to.
- 因为光标必须经常是为了解决单个像素的问题——指向的对象只占一个像素——所以必须有某种方式让光标精确地指示其所要指向的确切像素。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. But stopping the application to resolve this right now is not satisfactory either; the entry process is just as important as the end report.
- 但是立即停止程序来解决问题也不是一个令人满意的过程,输入过程和结果报告同样重要。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓