1. By virtue of the matching of material, color, texture and particular, the space flows with the flavor of nature and rusticity.
2. Hollow and solid materials comparison and stable proportional scales highlight the architectural rusticity and massiness with the grand, stately, impressive and bold feeling.
3. The building architectural style: The Nature Science Branch of Shanghai Science &Technology Museum must be the combination of elegance, rusticity and natural concise property.
4. The woodcarving made by coco hull is the most characteristic craftwork in Hainan Province; it is popular because of its natural material and rusticity.
5. Third, start from the fork fun showed by"Wuge Xiqu", the passage showed the rusticity and frankness implied by"Wuge Xiqu".
6. Walking into the Courtyard 7, you will feel and smell its antiquity and rusticity .
7. Bishop of a mountain diocese, living so very close to nature, in rusticity and deprivation.
8. The wooden decorate style make the restaurant be more rusticity and unique. The guests will not only enjoying the delicious food but also the Thai-style performance.
9. The enchant art as its primitive puerility and rusticity presents the poetic life the thesis comments on disenchantment art. On the one hand, at some degrees about the veil of existence.
10. The enchant art as its primitive puerility and rusticity presents the poetic life the thesis comments on disenchantment art. On the one hand, at some degrees about the veil of existence.
11. Bishopof a mountain diocese, living so very close to nature, in rusticity and deprivation, it appeared that he imported among these eminent personages, ideas which altered the temperature of the assembly.
12. Amidst her noble and elegant manners, there is now and then a little touch of bashfulness and conventional rusticity.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
13. The thesis analyzes mainly the formal beauty of Chinese traditional curtains,that is, the formular ization of their forms, simplification and generalization, lifelikeness, brilliance and simplicity of their colors, naturalness and rusticity of their materials.