- 1. The setting-up of the business took several years.
- 建立这家公司花了好几年的时间。
- 2. This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.
- 本条规则是上述要求不在此阶段设置中介属性的那条规则的一个例外。
- 3. Each character is an off or on setting, or bit, representing a specific right for one of three constituencies: you, one of your groups, and others.
- 每个字符都是一个开/关设置或位,后者表示了三类用户(您本人、您的一个组和其他用户)的某一种特定的权限。
- 4. This setting only works together with an enterprise portal.
- 此设置仅适用于企业门户一起。
- 5. Now you can set any field at all while keeping its previous value by setting a modifier and a verb.
- 现在,通过设置一个修饰语和一个动词,您就可以设置任何字段,而同时保存其先前的值。
- 6. You can set the order of the fields either by selecting the first field that you want displayed in the list, and then the next, and so on, or by setting the position as you drag and place the fields.
- 您可以这样来设置这个域中的顺序,要么首先选择要在列表中显示在开头的域,然后选择要显示在第二位置的域,依此类推,或者当您拖拽并放置这个域位置时进行位置设定。
- 7. You can type any string you like for this setting.
- 您可以为此设置键入任何字符串。
- 8. This setting changes if you add another processor to your server.
- 此设置更改如果您的服务器添加另一个处理器。
- 9. You can automate this by setting variables for the start and stop dates and for the command that outputs the number of words.
- 通过为开始和停止日期以及输出单词数的命令设置相应的变量,您可以为这项任务实现自动化。
- 10. They have symptoms. And they can be managed, in any resource setting.
- 它们是有症状的,在任何资源环境下都可进行管理。
- 11. For the uninitiated, this means we will be setting the location where all of the users (in this case, testers) will get their data.
- 这意味着我们将要设置一个所有用户(在此例中,是所有测试人员)可以获取数据的位置。
- 12. By setting these values, you set default values for each property.
- 通过设置这些值,可以设置每个属性的默认值。
- 13. You have a few options when setting this up.
- 在设置这种配置时,有一些选择。
- 14. The file only contains the header with the encoding setting from the user preference.
- 这个文件只包含带有根据用户首选设置的编码设置的标题。
- 15. In my experience, customers usually have same configuration on all the nodes, except for buffer pools, which is a very important setting.
- 以我的经验,客户的所有节点通常具有相同的配置,除了缓冲池这个极其重要的设置之外。
- 16. The first step is knowing that you need these protocols and algorithms; setting it up is for another article.
- 第一个步骤是了解您需要这些协议和算法;有关设置的知识请参阅另一篇文章。
- 17. The default setting is 1, so you need to change it.
- 其缺省设置为1,所以您需要对它进行更改。
- 18. The number of simultaneous sessions and number of processors are considerations for setting this value.
- 在设置这个值时,需要考虑并发会话的数量和处理器的数量。
- 19. I have been setting goals in one form or another for years.
- 我以不同的形式做目标设定已经好几年了。
- 20. We learned the step by step process for setting goals and followed them one by one.
- 我们学习到了这种一步步设定目标的过程,并且遵循每一个目标。
- 21. We did not set up our servers to use failover, so this setting had no impact on our tests.
- 我们没有将服务器设置为使用故障转移,所以这个设置不会对测试产生影响。
- 22. We did not set up our servers to use failover, so this setting had no impact on our tests.
- 我们没有将服务器设置为使用故障转移,所以这个设置不会对测试产生影响。
- 23. A user can click on the image that best represents the desired color setting. This image then becomes the new default for more varied thumbnails.
- 使用者可以选取最接近于他想要的那个颜色组合,这个图片随即就会变成更多变化缩略图的最新默认。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 24. Should the application remember more than just the last setting?
- 除了上次的设置以外,是否还需要记住其他设置?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 25. The process, as a natural outgrowth of the technology, was called tabbing or setting tabs.
- 这种过程随着技术的自然发展,称为“制表”。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. Don’t offer up a settings menu and then scatter other setting items or dialogs on other menus.
- 在提供了设置菜单的情况下,就不要在其他菜单中散布设置项或对话框。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. For example, purging a database is not a normal activity. It involves setting up and using features and facilities that are not part of the normal operation of the database program.
- 例如,清除数据库就不是一种正常的活动,它必须设置和使用不属于数据库程序正常操作的特征和工具。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. If you have a Settings menu in your application, you are making a commitment to a user that anytime he wants to alter a setting in the program he will easily find the way to do it here.
- 如果你的应用程序中有设置菜单,就是在向用户做出承诺,无论用户何时想改变程序设置,都可以在这里找到途径。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. Instead of choosing a hard-wired default, the application can use the previous setting as the default, and it will have a much better chance of giving a user what he wanted.
- 不是使用硬编码的默认值,程序可以使用用户以前的设置作为默认值,这样更可能是用户所希望的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. Don’t confuse this with use of icons on control affordances. Rather, in addition to using text to communicate a setting or state, render an illustrative picture or diagram that communicates the behavior.
- 我们在这里并不是讨论控件启示上使用的图标,而是在强调除了用文本表示设置和状态,还要采用说明性的图片或图表传达行为。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. We do this in the same way we look at a restaurant’s menu posted at its entrance to get an idea of the type of food, the presentation, the setting, and the price.
- 我们这样做就好比通过贴在餐馆入口的菜单了解食物类型、菜式、餐具和价格。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. So is setting your speaker volume.
- 设置麦克风音量也是一样。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓