- 1. The slow computer bogged us down.
- 速度慢的计算机阻碍了我们。
- 2. Before turning, you should slow down your car.
- 转弯前,你得先减速。
- 3. My watch was slow, so I put it forward three minutes.
- 我的手表慢了,所以我把它向前拨了三分钟。
- 4. The English teacher watered down the course for the slow-learning students.
- 英语老师简化了慢班的课程内容。
- 5. I slow down.
- 我慢了下来。
- 6. We can go as slow as you want.
- 你想要多慢我们就可以走多慢。
- 7. Your movements during exercise should be slow and concise.
- 在运动中你的动作应该是缓慢和简练的。
- 8. Slow down.
- 慢下来。
- 9. And yet these medications only slow the progression of the disease; many people have serious complications despite being on medications.
- 然而,这些药物只能减缓病情发展,许多人尽管在服药还是有严重的并发症。
- 10. Injuries teach you how to slow down.
- 而伤病却教会了你怎样慢下来。
- 11. I’ll do an hour of slow yoga.
- 我要做一个小时的缓慢瑜珈。
- 12. He was interested in why time seems to slow down when we’re really scared.
- 他感兴趣是为什么我们感到很害怕时,时间似乎就慢了下来。
- 13. Slow but Steady.
- 缓慢而持续。
- 14. Slow Food is against its counterpart: the spirit of Fast Food and what it stands for as a lifestyle.
- 慢食运动反对它的对立面:快餐精神和拥护它作为一种生活方式的任何事物。
- 15. That is why the outlook for the big, slow-growing creatures of the deep, some of which travel long distances, is so bleak.
- 这就是那些深海里大而生长缓慢的动物前景黯淡的原因,其中有些动物生存中要游很长的距离。
- 16. So, if you don’t want to slow down for your own good, do it for the good of your noggin.
- 所以,如果你不想为自己的好而慢下来,请为你的头完好的缘故也慢下来吧。
- 17. Enter my world, and let time slow down if only for 15 minutes.
- 进入我的世界,让时间慢下来,哪怕只有15分钟也好。
- 18. To access this source and to hear its messages, we must slow down, quiet our minds and go within.
- 为了接近我们的灵魂,倾听它的讯息,我们必须慢下来,深入头脑使它安静下来。
- 19. Slow down and walk for one minute.
- 最后,逐渐慢下速度,走一分钟。
- 20. Slow down and walk for one minute.
- 最后,逐渐慢下速度,走一分钟。
- 21. Political union was slow.
- 政治上的统一是姗姗来迟的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 22. Decision-making is therefore slow, but execution is rapid and single-minded.
- 因此作出决定比较慢,但是执行起来却很快,而且同心同德。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 23. Butcons are immediate, whereas menu commands remain relatively slow and hidden.
- 但图标按钮非常直接,而菜单命令相对较慢,也更沉闷。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 24. Well-written text can make check boxes unambiguous. However, this exacting text forces users to slow down to read it, and takes a considerable amount of real estate.
- 确切的文本使复选框清楚明确,但也使用户不得不放慢速度阅读,而且占据了数量可观的屏幕空间。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 25. Almost all embedded systems have a simplified input system rather than a keyboard or desktop-style pointing device. This means that any input to the system—especially textual input—is awkward, slow, and difficult for users.
- 几乎所有的嵌入系统的输入系统都比键盘或者桌面类的鼠标设备要简单,这就意味着这些系统的输入,尤其是文本的输入,对用户来说是非常笨拙、缓慢和困难的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 26. An application can become slow or unresponsive when it performs a large amount of data processing or when it talks to remote devices like servers, printers, and networks.
- 程序在处理大量数据或连接远程设备,如服务器、打印机和网络时,可能会变得很慢或没有反应。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 27. Pressing the brake pedal in your car, for example, may conjure a mental image of pushing a lever that rubs against the wheels to slow you down.
- 例如,踩下汽车的刹车踏板,可能让你想到压住控制杆,以摩擦车轮来降低车速。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. The development of direct-manipulation idioms has been a slow and steady progression from the first days of graphical user interfaces. Conversely, the toolbar was an innovation that swept the industry around 1989. Within a couple of years, virtually every Windows program had a toolbar filled with butcons.
- 直接操作习惯用法的发展从图形用户界面出现的第1天开始就是一个缓慢而持续推进的过程;相反,工具栏的发展则是大约发生在1989年的一场席卷整个产业的革命。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 29. Systems usually require verbal or telephone keypad entry of information. Testing should be done to determine an appropriate length of time to wait; keep in mind that phone keypads can be awkward and very slow for entering textual information.
- 系统通常需要的是键盘输入信息或者语音输入信息,可以通过测试来决定等待时间的长短。 要记住,用电话的小键盘来输入文字信息很不方便,而且很慢。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. This method can be hard to implement, can be annoyingly slow, and may introduce too much visual complexity into the interface. The problem is that a drag-and-drop operation can require a pretty precise pointer.
- 但是这种方法难以实现,速度太慢,所以很可能不是一个恰当的解决方案,问题在于源和目标操作需要相当精确的指针。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓