- 1. This is an uncompromising struggle.
- 这是一场毫不调和的斗争。
- 2. They have learned to struggle against adversity.
- 他们已经学会同逆境做斗争。
- 3. This struggle is sharp and complex. We can never let down guard.
- 这场斗争是尖锐复杂的,我们决不能掉以轻心。
- 4. The long struggle between the strikers and thier employers is ont yet played out.
- 罢工者与雇主之间的这场长期斗争尚未结束。
- 5. The struggle became more acute.
- 斗争进一步激化。
- 6. We should make the best use of the situation and guide the struggle to victory.
- 我们应当因势利导, 夺取斗争胜利。
- 7. We struggle together.
- 我们一起奋斗。
- 8. And when you have an addiction, you struggle with it.
- 如果你对什么东西上瘾,你就要在生活中与之斗争。
- 9. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.
- 在我们面前,有许多许多漫长的斗争和苦难的岁月。
- 10. Since we know the outcome of that struggle, we know the answer to the test.
- 因为我们知道斗争的结果,所以我们知道这个检验的答案。
- 11. They struggle.
- 他们挣扎。
- 12. I like her performance in Struggle best.
- 我最喜欢他在《奋斗》里面的表演了。
- 13. I have some practical advice for you in this struggle , which is one of the great battles of life .
- 保持这种能力毫无疑问是人生中最艰难的斗争之一,在此我有几条建议送给大家。
- 14. On the night before you died, you understood my struggle, but never demanded that I understand yours.
- 在你临死之夜,你理解了我的挣扎,但是从不要求我也理解你的。
- 15. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.
- 摆在我们面前的,将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。
- 16. Why we adults run away from struggle?
- 为什么我们成年人总远离奋斗?
- 17. I believe that any struggle in this world is our responsibility.
- 他说:“我相信世界上每一种斗争都是我们的责任。
- 18. We do not say to the world: Cease your struggles, they are foolish; we will give you the true slogan of struggle.
- 我们并不对这个世界说:‘停止你们的斗争吧,那都是愚蠢的’,而是给它一个真正的斗争口号。
- 19. We still struggle, though, to collaborate on business content.
- 尽管如此,我们仍然在努力协作业务内容。
- 20. And human society is part of this struggle.
- 人类社会也是这种斗争的一部分。
- 21. Well, we suppose that like any other students, there are those who study a lot, those who study just enough and those who struggle.
- 那么,我们假设他们像其他学生一样,有的很刻苦的学习,有的仅保证学习足够就可以,还有一些在及格线边缘挣扎。
- 22. He said this grassroots movement wants to send the message to the Iranian people that they support them in their struggle.
- 阿米迪说,他的草根运动希望把信息送给伊朗人民,这个信息就是,他们支持伊朗人的斗争。
- 23. Just as you might struggle to wake up from a dream in which no one speaks, I fought not to go to school.
- 这正像你可能努力想从一个没有人跟你说话的梦中醒过来一样,我不想去上学了。
- 24. We understand the strong desire of the Syrian people that no foreign country should intervene in their struggle, and we respect their wishes.
- 叙利亚人民强烈表明,他们不希望任何外国干涉他们的斗争,我们理解并尊重他们的这一愿望。
- 25. This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trust and faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in the past.
- 今年,蝎子们的在奋斗的路上不会孤单,而且应该对人们有更多的信任和信念——这是送给那些在过去经历过许多问题的人的。
- 26. This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trust and faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in the past.
- 今年,蝎子们的在奋斗的路上不会孤单,而且应该对人们有更多的信任和信念——这是送给那些在过去经历过许多问题的人的。
- 27. Face the rough weather of struggle and forge ahead.
- 迎着斗争的风浪前进。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. After years of struggle he had finally made a pile of money.
- 他辛苦了多年,最后积蓄了一大笔钱。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. This struggle brought good results.
- 这一斗争取得了可喜的成果。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. In other words, it was not only the struggle about money-wages.
- 换句话说,这不仅仅是关于货币工资方面的争执。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Every class struggle is a political struggle.
- 一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. However, if you need to convince stakeholders or programmers that there is a usability problem with the current product, nothing beats watching real users struggle through basic tasks.
- 不过,你如果需要使利益关系人或者程序员信服现有产品的确存在可用性问题,那么让他们看到真实用户在一些简单操作上费力挣扎是具有无可比拟的说服力的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. glorious struggle against Japanese imperialism
- 反对日本帝国主义的光荣斗争
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. The struggle that succeeded was truly frightful.
- 接下来的两虎相争确实令人胆战心惊。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. Huck was silent for some time, engaged in a mental struggle.
- 哈克呆了一下没有做事,心里左思右想,不知怎么才好。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 36. Everything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle.
- 一切新的东西都是从艰苦斗争中锻炼出来的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句