- 1. Using this method of successive division, you can turn your design into components.
- 按照这种连续的划分方法,可以将设计转换为组件。
- 2. Versioning does not obsolete the service development life cycle, but it enables the life cycle to play out over successive generations.
- 版本治理并不会使服务开发生命周期过时,而会允许生命周期扩展到多个连续的代。
- 3. A high-priority thread could then receive two, or ten, or a hundred successive "time-slices" rather than just one this way.
- 那么,高优先级线程就可能接收到两个,或多个,或一百个连续的“时间片”,而不只是原来的一个。
- 4. If locality were the only goal, an allocator might always allocate each successive chunk as close to the previous one as possible.
- 如果局部化是唯一的目标,分配器可能总是尽可能接近的分配每个连续的块。
- 5. Our warming planet is expected to face successive crop and water crises in the coming decades—which means each nation’s natural resources will be more crucial than ever.
- 全球变暖使地球在未来数十年将面临连续的农作物和水危机,这意味著每一个国家的自然资源会比以往更加重要。
- 6. Two successive quarters of growth would mean the US is pulling out of recession.
- 连续两个季度的增长可能意味着美国经济正在走出衰退。
- 7. They rebuffed him, and after three successive rejections he got the message and gave up.
- 她们断然拒绝了他,三次连续的遭拒后,他明白这一点后放弃。
- 8. Each successive run of the test suite will add a new row at the beginning of the table.
- 每次测试单元的连续运行都将在这个表格的开始添加一个新的行。
- 9. That is, must successive requests from the same consumer be delivered to the same instance of the provider?
- 即,相同的使用者发出的连续请求是否必须交付到相同的提供者实例?
- 10. Each successive incremental image contains the entire contents of the previous incremental image, and the changes since the previous full backup.
- 每个连续的增量映像都包含前一个增量映像的全部内容,以及前一个完全备份以后所做的更改。
- 11. Each successive incremental image contains the entire contents of the previous incremental image and the changes since the previous full backup.
- 每一个连续的递增映像都包含前一递增映像的完整内容以及前一次完整备份后的更改。
- 12. Successive governments in India have promised to enact an anti-corruption law but failed to do so.
- 历届印度政府都保证要制定一项反腐败法律,可是都没有做到。
- 13. After successive years of improvement, the first quarter of this year saw a big reversal, with energy intensity increasing by 3.2%.
- 经过连续两年情况有所改善后,今年第一季度情况出现了逆转,能源密度增加了3.2%。
- 14. The SCT is valid in any successive messages from the client to the service during the time span.
- 在此时间区间内,这个SCT在自此客户机至此服务的任何连续消息中均有效。
- 15. The intention is to produce and implement three successive versions of the specification before turning ownership for future development over to an independent standards body.
- 目的在于先生成并实现这个规范的三个连续版本,之后再把将来开发得到的成果的所有权移交给一个独立的标准组织。
- 16. Put questions and answers in successive, separate lines of the first page.
- 把问题和答案连续的写在第一页的不同行里。
- 17. However, we strongly recommend against holding database locks between successive invocations in the highly decoupled, possibly asynchronous infrastructure of an SOA.
- 不过,我们强烈建议,不要在高度分离且可能异步的SOA基础结构中的连续调用间保持锁定。
- 18. Ever fewer Europeans bother to vote at successive Euro-elections, and even fewer know who represents them in that body.
- 越来越少的欧洲人愿意参与历届欧洲选举,甚至很少有人知道谁在该机构中代表自己。
- 19. Given one float or double, there is a next float; and there is a minimum finite distance between successive floats and doubles.
- 对于浮点数和双精度数,也存在下一个浮点数;连续的浮点数和双精度数之间存在最小的有限距离。
- 20. Furthermore, the vertical language units are hierarchically organized into up to three levels, with each successive level adding more modeling capabilities to those available in the levels below.
- 此外,垂直语言单元按级别组织成三层,通过在那些可用的层上增加建模能力可以形成相互连续的更高层。
- 21. In the following example, a function returns the successive lowercase characters of a string.
- 在下面的例子中,函数返回某个字符串的连续小写字母。
- 22. If this number increases quickly between successive SHOW STATUS commands, you should look at increasing your thread cache.
- 如果这个数字在连续执行SHOWSTATUS命令时快速增加,就应该尝试增大线程缓存。
- 23. Why not use the same architecture from application to application, making it easier for software engineers to work with successive applications?
- 为什么不在应用中使用相同的构架,以便更易于软件工程师在工作中连续的应用?
- 24. After successive years of improvement, the first quarter of this year saw a big reversal, with energy intensity increasing by 3.2%.
- 在连续数年的能耗改善之后,今年第一季度的能耗强度突然逆势攀升,上涨了3.2%。
- 25. This is the third successive summer of big anti-Indian protests.
- 这是连续的第三次夏日大型反印度抗议。
- 26. This is the third successive summer of big anti-Indian protests.
- 这是连续的第三次夏日大型反印度抗议。
- 27. The advantage is that once data is inside the database, the code doesn’t have to bother with successive, repetitive checks on its validity or appropriateness.
- 这样处理的优点在于一旦输入数据库,代码不必不断反复检查数据的有效性和正确性。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 28. Georgos was assigned to successive sets of foster-parents.
- 乔戈斯先后被托付给几对养父母抚养。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. Successive improvements and modification led to modern models of high capacity.
- 经过不断地改进和完善导致高生产能力的新型装置。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Subsistence has been increased and perfected by a series of successive arts.
- 生活资料是由一系列顺序相承的技术使之增加并臻于完美的。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Although we have been describing this tool in the context of a text-oriented word processing program, a compare function might be most useful in a graphic manipulation or drawing program, where users are applying successive visual transformations on images.
- 虽然我们在面向文本的字处理程序场景下已经描述了这种工具,但比较功能可能在图形操作或者绘图程序中更有用。 在这里,用户不断地变换图形。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. Crossing bars occur between successive bends.
- 过渡段浅滩发生在连续河湾之间。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. A serial is a publication issued in successive parts and intended to be continued indefinitely.
- 连续分期,并拟无限期地继续发行的出版物,称为连续出版物。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. Successive wave fronts in this case form a series of concentric spheres.
- 相继波前形成了一系列的同心球面。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. Figure 25-2: This is how most users perceive error message dialog boxes. They see them as Kafkaesque interrogations with each successive choice leading to a yet blacker pit of retribution and regret.
- 图25-2 这是大多数用户理解错误信息对话框的方式,用户把这当做卡夫卡式的审问,每个后续的选择都会导致惩罚和悔恨。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. A complete set of ethnographic interviews for a project can be grouped into three distinct, chronological phases. The approach of the interviews in each successive phase is subtly different from the previous one, reflecting the growing knowledge of user behaviors that results from each additional interview.
- 一个项目的完整人种学调查可以分为3个按时间顺序排列的阶段,不同阶段的调查所采用的方法都会和上一阶段有所不同,这反映出每次访谈的用户行为知识在不断增长。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓