- 1. They want AI5 as a supplicant client, rather than as a well-disposed but independent ally.
- 他们想让军情5局成为一个乞求他们的附属机构,而不是一个能听得进意见的独立盟友 。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 2. The merest sliver of it upon the tongue of the Supplicant will make him or her forget all the horrors they are enduring, and deliver them to a place of paradisiacal calm.
- 只要放小小一条阿冈尼司帝斯的肉在请愿者的舌尖上就能使他()却所承受的一切痛苦,变得仿佛进入天堂一般安详。
-- 来源 -- bbs.homosky.com
- 3. As for proving American might, the overstretched superpower looks increasingly like a supplicant, less prone to lecture Arabs on governance than to seek help from former enemies once consigned like Syria and Iran to the “axis of evil”.
- 至于说证明美国的实力,这个四面出击、战线过长的超级大国越来越显出恳求他人的姿态——不太倾向于教导阿拉伯人如何治国,而是向诸如叙利亚和伊朗这样曾几何时被归入“邪恶轴心”的敌对国家寻求帮助。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 4. Washed clean of sin, a favored supplicant, she bowed her head and folded her hands over the altar rail.
- 罪孽洗涤干净了,恳求得到了满足。 她垂着头,双手并拢,举在祭坛前的栏杆上面。
-- 来源 -- 教父部分 - jiaofu_32
- 5. Her rendering of it fell somewhere between that of teacher and supplicant.
- 她表达这首诗的方式是介乎教学和祈求之间。
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦 - langqiaoyimeng
- 6. It requires a supplicant ruling party to vote through his diktats as handed down by a loyal prime minister, Shaukat Aziz (or “Short Cut”, as Pakistanis know him).
- 它需要一个可随意摆布的执政党来表决通过由他授意并由肖卡特.阿齐兹首相(巴基斯坦人称其为“捷径”)直接下令的所有政策。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 7. If a Supplicant comes to him with sufficient need, sufficient hunger for change– knowing how painful that change will be– he will accommodate them.
- 但凡有人带着足够的理由,足够的渴望前来向他要求进行变异,并且愿意承受这种变异将带来的痛苦,那么他就会满足他们的要求。
-- 来源 -- bbs.homosky.com
- 8. And then, the state of ports was controlled according to the authentication result, and give notice to supplicant to use network resource.
- 认证后根据认证服务器结果控制端口开放状态,并通知申请者使用网络资源。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供