- 1. If it is the spacial distance , missing is treacly , entering into dreams with smile in your face.
- 如果是空间的距离,思念便是甜蜜的,甜蜜的带着微笑入梦。
- 2. 26His eyes sought answer from the river and saw a rowboat rock at anchor on the treacly swells lazily its plastered board.
- 26他扫视着河面,想寻求个答案。只见一般划艇停泊在形似糖浆的汹涌浪涛上,懒洋洋地摇晃着它那灰胶纸拍板。
- 3. These films forgo the themes typically associated with young people – treacly romance, everlasting friendship–in favor of more complex meditations on life.
- 这些电影通过融合常与年轻人联系在一起的两大主题——甜蜜的爱情和永恒的友谊,突出了对生活的多重反思。
- 4. These films forgo the themes typically associated with young people – treacly romance, everlasting friendship–in favor of more complex meditations on life.
- 这些电影通过融合常与年轻人联系在一起的两大主题——甜蜜的爱情和永恒的友谊,突出了对生活的多重反思。
- 5. the treacly cliches of romantic fiction
- 传奇小说中令人腻烦的陈词滥调.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考