25. We are accustomed to hear this king described as a rude and boisterous tyrant; but with the gentleness of a lover he adorns the tresses of Summer.
26. Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, with large, unblinking eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head.
27. Perplext no more with Human or Divine, Tomorrow's tangle to the winds resign, And lose your fingers in the tresses of the Cypress-slender Minister of Wine.
28. Researchers from the University of Queensland found blonde-haired women generally make salaries that are 7% higher than those of women with other-color tresses.
29. Her thick, long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness, and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck.
30. Her thick, long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness, and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck.