1. Do you really want to unprotect this page?


2. Password to unprotect document for tracked changes, comments and forms will be lost.


3. A high-efficiency demulsifier, PAMAM, for dense oil-polluted water was synthesized with protect-unprotect method.


4. Do you really want to unprotect this page?


5. Do you really want to unprotect this page?


6. You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To unprotect the sheet, use the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu). You may be prompted for a password.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

7. Change tracking is protected, and cannot be turned off or erased. To unprotect, use the Unprotect Workbook command (Tools menu, Protection submenu).

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

8. Password to unprotect document for tracked changes, comments and forms will be lost.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

9. The cell you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. To modify a protected cell, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu). You may be prompted for a password.
正在试图更改的单元格受到保护因而为只读。要更改受到保护的单元格,可首先使用"撤消工作表保护" 命令("工具"菜单)除去保护。可能会提示输入密码。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

10. %1 cannot open this file because it is password protected. Please unprotect it and try again.
因为有密码保护,%1 无法打开此文件。请解除密码保护,然后再试。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

11. You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To unprotect the sheet, use the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu). You may be prompted for a password.
在受到保护的工作表中不能使用此命令。要更改受到保护的单元格,可使用"撤消工作表保护" 命令 ("工具"菜单)。可能会提示输入密码。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

12. To avoid this error, unprotect the workbook before it is saved as a Web page.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

13. 1. Select range to unprotect.|2. From the Format menu, choose Cells.|3. Select the Protection panel.|4. Clear Locked.|5. Select the Font panel.
选定要取消保护的区域。|2. 选择“格式”菜单的“单元格”命令。|3. 选择“保护”选项卡。|4. 清除“锁定”选项。|5. 选择“字体”选项卡。

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

14. You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To unprotect the sheet, use the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu, Protection submenu). You may be prompted for a password.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

15. The cell you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only. To modify a protected cell, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu). You may be prompted for a password.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供