1. A variable resister is called a rheostat.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

2. This is a useful variable to employ when you have directional information to convey (up or down, backward or forward).

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3. What this means in practice is that each identified role, behavioral variable, demographic variable, and environmental variable identified in the persona hypothesis should be explored in four to six interviews (sometimes more if a domain is particularly complex).

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4. Thankfully, in recent times developers have commonly implemented a variable auto-scroll rate as shown in Figure 19-7, where the automatic scrolling increases in speed as the cursor gets closer to the window edge.
近来,有一些开发人员共同开发出了一个自动滚屏的变体,如图19-8所示。 当光标与窗口边界的距离越近,自动滚屏的速度就会增加。

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5. Size is also an ordered and quantitative variable, which means that people automatically sequence objects in terms of their size and tend to assign relative quantities to those differences; if we have four sizes of text, we assume relative importance increases with size, and that bold type is more important than regular.
尺寸也是顺序和可以量化的变量。 这意味着人们可以按照物体的大小自动地将它们排序,并在主观上为这些不同赋予相应的值。 如果我们所采用的文本有4种尺寸,我们便会认为尺寸越大的文字也越重要,粗体比普通体要重要。

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6. This means that you now have a list control with items of variable height, but this is still better than horizontal scrolling.

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7. Like size, position is both an ordered and a quantitative variable, which means it’s useful for conveying information about hierarchy.

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8. Value is also an ordered variable—for example, lower-value (darker) colors on a map are easy to interpret as deeper water or denser population.

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9. The desired outcome of this step is to accurately represent the way multiple subjects cluster with respect to each significant variable (see Figure 5-4).

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10. After you are satisfied that you have identified the set of significant behavioral variables exhibited by your interview subjects, the next step is to map each interviewee against each variable.

-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓