- 1. The thermometer fell to zero last night.
- 寒暑表昨夜降至零度。
- 2. Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.
- 水在零摄氏度结冰。
- 3. I hate to disillusion you,but your chances of winning are practically zero.
- 我不忍心使你失望,但你取胜的机会实际上等于零。
- 4. But this does not yet get us to our goal of zero copy.
- 但是这个代码尚未达到我们的零拷贝要求。
- 5. And then we can replace our concentrations here with, and so if you write equal to zero here, then we can write it as equilibrium right here.
- 然后我们可以代替这里我们的浓度,如果你这里写等于零,那么我们可以在这把它写作平衡状态。
- 6. I will zero them.
- 我先将它们调零。
- 7. The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be—at least, for any future that concerns us now.
- 一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,它的人口就可能越老龄---至少对任何能关系到我们现在的未来是这样的。
- 8. , +, and * find no or one, one or more, and zero or more repeats, respectively.
- 、+和 *分别查找零次或一次、一次或多次,以及零次或多次重复。
- 9. You can start from one nucleus and go to the next nucleus, and there are no zero planes, no nodes, nothing.
- 你可以从一个核出发,看向另一个核,中间没有零平面,没有节点,什么也没有。
- 10. We could put the energy, the zero of energy there.
- 我们可以把能量零点放在能量最低的状态这里。
- 11. To reach our goal of near zero deaths from malaria by 2015, we need an extraordinary intensification of our actions in two key areas.
- 我们要想在2015年以前达到疟疾死亡人数近于零的目标,必须格外加强我们在两个关键领域的行动。
- 12. This process continues until the user enters a zero to terminate the loop.
- 此过程将一直持续,直到用户输入零以终止循环为止。
- 13. You have to constantly evaluate the productivity of the team and assess the remaining Backlog to determine if it can be reduced to zero.
- 您需要经常对这个小组的生产力和剩余的待完成工作进行评估,从而决定它是否能降低到零。
- 14. We will see in Bucharest if zero, one, two or three will get invitations.
- 我们将在布加勒斯特看到到底是零、一、二还是三个都得到邀请。
- 15. It should be much colder now, only a few degrees above absolute zero, but it should still be around.
- 现在这个辐射应该比那时冷得多了,只有绝对零度以上几度,但它应该仍然存在。
- 16. The risk is exceedingly small but the probability of something unusual happening is not zero.
- 尽管这种几率非常非常小,但是不寻常事件发生的概率不会是零。
- 17. It could be zero or hundreds.
- 可能是零,也可能是数百。
- 18. In so far as linear motion is concerned, a body is in equilibrium if the vector sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
- 就线性运动而论,如果作用于严格物体上的诸力的矢量之和是零,那么这个物体就处于平衡状态。
- 19. The number of messages on those queues should be zero, therefore manual intervention by an administrator is required if messages appear there.
- 这些队列中的消息数量应该是零,因此如果其中出现消息,就需要管理员人工干预。
- 20. The stored procedures return 0 (zero) when they run successfully and SQL error codes if it finds any issues with the parameters or policy file content.
- 如果成功运行,则存储过程将返回0(零),如果发现任何参数或策略文件内容问题,则返回SQL错误代码。
- 21. A platform with zero defects can be depended on, both by end users in the community and by consuming products.
- 无论是对于社区中的终端用户,还是对于消费产品,一个零缺陷的平台是值得依靠的。
- 22. In the long run, participation in the information age may not be a zero sum game, where if some groups win, others must lose.
- 在长期的趋向中,信息时代的分享与参与不再是零和数游戏,在那儿,某些群体赢了,而另外一些就一定会输。
- 23. Once this counter reaches zero, it signals to the waiting receive activity in the main scope the completion of the last event handler.
- 此计数器达到零后,它会向主范围中正在等待的接收活动发送信号,以指示最后一个事件处理程序已完成。
- 24. Well, in this simple model the entropy of the pure liquid is zero.
- 在这个简单的模型中,这个纯液体的熵是零。
- 25. Well, in this simple model the entropy of the pure liquid is zero.
- 在这个简单的模型中,这个纯液体的熵是零。
- 26. Compatibility will require that the girder deflection at B be zero.
- 根据协调性的要求,梁在B点的挠度应为零。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. The temperature suddenly dropped to zero (40°below zero) C.
- 气温突然下降到了零度(零下四十度)。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. A drop zero radius would require an infinite supersaturation to maintain it.
- 要使一个半径为零的液滴保持下去将需要无限大的过饱和度。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. A zero rate of inflation is neither a realistic goal nor necessarily desirable.
- 通货膨胀率为零,这既不是现实的目标也不一定合乎需要。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Zero or one life goal is appropriate for most personas.
- 大多数人物角色通常可以没有人生目标或者只有一个生活目标,这是正常的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. Additional settling overnight reduced the residual iron to essentially zero.
- 再经一夜的沉降可使残余的铁降到近乎没有。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Their bedrooms are "ground zero. " Translation? A total mess.
- 卧室是"世贸废墟(Ground zero)",因为太脏太乱;
-- 来源 -- life - 汉英
- 33. As such, evolution did not come out of zero.
- 照这么说来,进化就不是无中生有。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. If the countdown timer ever hits zero, do your validation processing.
- 处理这种情况的方法是在输入的同时使用递减计时器,每次击键重新计时。 如果递减计时器变为零,就开始验证。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. Occasionally, a specific domain may dictate the need for more specific experience goals; zero to two experience goals is appropriate for most personas.
- 有些领域可能要求更详细的体验目标,大多数人物角色通常有0~2个体验目标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓