
美 ['spɪni]
  • n. (英)灌木林;小树林
  • n. (Spinney)人名;(英)斯平尼
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spinney 灌木丛,小树林

来自古法语 espinoi,来自拉丁语 spinetum,灌木丛,来自 spina,刺,尖刺,词源同 spine.

spinney (n.)
"copse, thicket," 1590s, from Old French espinoi "briar-patch, place full of thorns and brambles" (13c., Modern French épinaie), from espine or from Latin spinetum "thorn hedge, thicket" (see spine).
1. There are forest, spinney , open woodland, plough field, grass and rock around the Great Wall.
长城周围的土地利用类型主要有有林地, 灌木林, 疏林地, 耕地, 荒草地和裸岩.


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