
英 [grɒg] 美 [ɡrɑɡ]
  • n. 格罗格酒;烈性酒;陶渣
  • vt. 用热水从空酒桶中浸出酒
  • vi. 喝格罗格酒
  • n. (Grog)人名;(法)格罗格
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grog 格洛格酒(通过朗姆酒兑水制成的烈酒)

来自grogram, 粗松斜纹布,来自18世纪英国海军上将Edward Vernon的昵称Old Grog, 因其常偏好这种布料的斗篷而得名,他曾命令其水手将烈性朗姆酒兑水稀释以防止喝醉,这种兑水的朗姆酒最后就被戏称为grog酒。

grog: [18] Grog comes from the nickname of Edward Vernon (1684–1757), the British admiral who in 1740 introduced the practice of serving rum and water (grog) to sailors in the Royal Navy rather than the hitherto customary neat rum (it was discontinued in 1970). His nickname was ‘Old Grogram’, said to be an allusion to the grogram cloak he always wore (grogram ‘coarse fabric’ [16] comes from French gros grain, literally ‘coarse grain’). Groggy [18], originally ‘drunk’, is a derivative.
grog (n.)
1749, "alcoholic drink diluted with water," supposedly a reference to Old Grog, nickname of Edward Vernon (1684-1757), British admiral who wore a grogram (q.v.) cloak and who in August 1740 ordered his sailors' rum to be diluted. George Washington's older half-brother Lawrence served under Vernon in the Caribbean and renamed the family's Hunting Creek Plantation in Virginia for him in 1740, calling it Mount Vernon. Eventually the word came popularly to mean "strong drink" of any kind. Grog shop "tavern where alcohol is sold by the glass" is from 1790.
1. 'This is a handy cove,'says he, at length,'and a pleasant sittyated grog - shop.
“ 这海湾位置不错, ”他终于开口说道, “ 这小旅店算是选对了地方.

来自英汉文学 - 金银岛

2. During the party there was always a grog tray in the library.


3. He sat sipping grog alone downstairs.


4. Here, have some more of this grog.
来, 再尝点儿这种酒.


5. Plenty o'party and grog for everyone!


[ grog 造句 ]