
  • 对事物真谛的顿悟;主显节(每年一月六日纪念耶稣显灵的节日);显现(特指神的显现)
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Epiphany 主显节

epi-, 在上,在中。-phan, 显现,词源同photo, phantasm.

epiphany (n.)
early 14c., "festival of the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles" (celebrated Jan. 6; usually with a capital -E-), from Old French epiphanie, from Late Latin epiphania, neuter plural (taken as feminine singular), from late Greek epiphaneia "manifestation, striking appearance, festival held in commemoration of the appearance of a god at some particular place" (in New Testament, "advent or manifestation of Christ"), from epiphanes "manifest, conspicuous," from epiphainein "to manifest, display, show off; come suddenly into view," from epi "on, to" (see epi-) + phainein "to show" (see phantasm). Of divine beings other than Christ, first recorded 1660s; general literary sense of "any manifestation or revelation" appeared 1840, first in De Quincey.
1. By epiphany he means'sudden spiritual manifestation ".
他的“显现”指的是“神灵的突现 ”.


2. By epiphany he means'the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments.'
他的“显现”指的是 “ 那种难于忘怀的了,令人聚精会神的最微妙最短暂的时刻. ”


3. They an intellectual epiphany and think they've experienced catharsis.


4. As I studied these terms, I had an epiphany.
在研究这些词语时, 我突然灵光一现.


5. It consists of the archetypal structure of initiation story : innocence — ordeal — epiphany — maturity.
西娅的成长历程体现了成长小说的原型结构模式: 天真—考验—顿悟—成熟.


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