
英 ['hæk(ə)l]
  • n. 针排;颈羽;手工梳麻台
  • vt. 梳理;乱砍
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1. heckle => hackle.
2. hack => hackle.
3. hatchel => hackle.
4. hook => heckle, hatchel, hackle.
hackle (n.)
Old English hacele "coat, cloak, vestment, mantle" (cognate with Old High German hachul, Gothic hakuls "cloak;" Old Norse hekla "hooded frock"), of uncertain origin. The same word with a sense of "bird plumage" is first recorded early 15c., though this might be from unrelated Middle English hackle "flax comb" (see heckle (n.)) on supposed resemblance of comb to ruffled feathers, or from an unrecorded continental Germanic word. Metaphoric extension found in phrases such as raise (one's) hackles (as a cock does when angry) is by 1881.
1. There : bearskin cap and hackle plume.


2. Three kinds of flight cross sections were researched including rectangular section, hackle section and trapezoid section.
本文讨论的螺纹断面形状为三种:矩形断面 、 锯齿形断面,梯形断面.


3. Firstly, hackle prevalence and inheritance of the ancient Chinese mathematics, medicine, astronomy. etc.
首先, 对中国古代数学 、 医学 、 天文学等学科知识的传承进行梳理.


4. Restrain damage of hair , eliminate hair shed, make the hair better and easy hackle.
修护因各种原因对秀发造成的损伤,长效滋养秀发防止脱落, 使秀发更易梳理,令您的秀发亮泽出众.


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