1. LG/LB Autostick Upshift Sense

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

2. Lb has a haem prosthetic group and an apoprotein component of 15600 to 15900 molecular weight.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

3. The total belt load of 400 lb is now divided into components, as shown in Fig. 3-16(c).

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

4. These fish vary in weight from 3 lb to 5 lb.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

5. flesh of a small young chicken not over 2 l/2 lb suitable for broiling.

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

6. The jockey turned the scales at 80 lb.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

7. The amount of carbon dioxide gas contained in a cylinder is determined by multiplying the weight of the liquid by the specific volume at 68 f (20 c) and 1 atmosphere pressure, (8.70 cu. ft./lb.).
液体的重量乘以在68°F (20°C)和1个大气压时的比容(8.70 cu. ft./lb.),就是在钢瓶内容纳的二氧化碳气体的数量。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 产品

8. These proteins are known collectively (including LB)as nodulins.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

9. a pressure of 6 lb to the square inch

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

10. Lime requirements by this process are quite high, up to 300 lb/ton of produced.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句