
英 ['sekst(ə)n] 美 ['sɛkstən]
  • n. 教堂司事
  • n. (Sexton)人名;(英)塞克斯顿
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sexton 教堂司事

缩写自 sacristan,教堂司事。

sexton: [14] Sexton and sacristan [14] are doublets: that is to say, they started out as the same word, but have diverged over the centuries. Both come from medieval Latin sacristānus, a derivative of sacrista ‘person in charge of holy vessels’ (which in turn was based on Latin sacer ‘holy’, source of English sacred), but whereas sacristan was borrowed directly from Latin, sexton came via the roundabout route of Anglo- Norman segerstaine.
=> sacred, sacristan, saint
sexton (n.)
c. 1300, sekesteyn, "person in charge of the sacred objects of a church," from Old French segrestien, from Medieval Latin sacristanus (see sacristan). Sense of "custodian of a church" first recorded 1580s. Fem. forms sextress, sextrice are recorded 15c., but the usual form is sextoness (early 15c.).
1. The old sexton soon got better, and was about to work again.
年老的教堂管事病势不久好转, 又要开始工作了.


2. The old sexton, leaning on a crutch, was taking the air at his cottage door.
那个年老的教堂管事,拄着一根拐杖, 正在他的家门口呼吸新鲜空气.


3. Anne Sexton is the most important confessional poet in America.


4. The sea is mother - death and she is a mighty female ( Anne Sexton )
海是死亡之母并且她确实是女性化的( 安妮塞克斯顿 )


5. I peered into the church and tried to see the sexton at bell rope, but couldn't.
我朝教堂里窥探了两眼,想看看司事是不是站在钟绳下, 却什么也瞧不见.


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